   K E Y:  ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video;  = highly recommended content

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

just o f f

The New Year™

Since 1979 (before I was born), the new year has only landed on a Monday four times before yesterday. See these instances above and then see my thoughts on said years 'after the jump' ...

Monday, January 1, 2018

The end of It's a Wonderful Life always struck me as odd. Donna Reed is either incredibly distracted or she's an expert actress playing an incredibly distracted person (or possibly overwhelmed?). What do you thinjk? "TAke a look, y'all: IMG_4346.jpeg"
was about to write and record a song called "Equestrian Dogs" (or maybe "Ecuadorian..." or something else, some other kinda dog?) but I forgot the melody so now the song is lost to the sands of time happy new year
R.I.P this account. My weird (ironic?) 2017 project of using the website/platform 'moby' is officially OVAH.
This is fairly hilariously worded. FAIRLY. HILARIOUSLY.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

I've started my new job (unpaid) as a Google Reviews Writer™. So, IDK... WATCH OUT, WORLD!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

this world is a hell - this world is a hell - this world is a hell - this world is a hell - this world is a hell - this world is a hell - this world is a hell - this world is a hell - this world is a hell - this world is a hell - this world is a hell - this world is a hell - this world is a hell - this world is a hell - this world is a hell -this world is a hell - this world is a hell - this world is a hell - this world is a hell - this world is a hell this world is a hell - this world is a hell - this world is a hell - this world is a hell - this world is a hell -this world is a hell - this world is a hell - this world is a hell - this world is a hell - this world is a hell

One of the more nonsensical and completely inconvenient design changes to a major website of late is the fact that you can't configure embeds smoothly within YouTube anymore. Nevermind the fact that I have to click twice just to access the full iframe code, but you previously could enter your desired width and have the code automatically updated to reflect the proper ratio. Now I'm whipping out the calculator app to do some aspect ratio b.s. to make it look right. UN-ACCEPTABLE. And just look at how ugly that crap (⬆︎) is in general. I hate it.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Good relevant link in the middle of a story about Philadelphias being mad that they built the world's biggest Wawa in DC.

Did i post this yet?