Proud to announce the next two (themselves delayed) entries in the growing / stunning WeeklyBooks.net catalog / family. I operate apart from time and space, for me to redact is for your lungs to retract and we both do it without thinking. I have thunk myself into a hole too many times not to complete this project. This project is eternity and it's (quite literally) the only thing anything have left.
On the left, cover and excerpt of Book #16
The Head [
orig scheduled pub date, 04-19-19], and on the right, Book #17
Pure Freedom [
orig scheduled pub date, 04-26-19]. Today's book is M.I.A., that's "matriculating in air" and, like everything else, will drizzle down and onto / into YOUR heads when it's good and ready. Shalomaste.
upWBdate: all WeeklyBooks Will be Back(
front)Dated to 2021 when the time is right/all Linx to wb dot net remain the same so shall these posts on My America remain the same (2021=No More Amazon&etc)–mgmt