K E Y: ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video; † = highly recommended content
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Imagine if I just did a blog post which was just an eagle emoji in the post title feed and the post content area was just a sentence about how this was the blog I was currently doing? Imagine that. Thanks 🙏
And by "viral" I mean I have caught a disease; please click upon my wares, good sir or madam.
Mark Baumer, etc.
I could do a thousand posts about Mark Baumer and maybe I will. He created so much in his 33 years on this planet. Here is a smattering of things…
#AppGame: This is what my iPhone looks like📱
Happy to answer any questions you might have about my apps/apps usage/apps arrangement. I love apps.
I finally hit a freaking bet
I'm probably jinxing myself posting about it but whatever. The well had been dry for so long, folks.