O to the K
here goes
i forgot to post everything i ate recent-ly
on Twitter
[[which is a thing i'mm doin noww]]
so here are the last 2 days
last 2 days in JULY 2018 !
after tha jump;)
K E Y: ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video; † = highly recommended content
Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Monday, July 30, 2018
Sunday, July 29, 2018

got my daughter the toy seen here and it immediately broke and so i jerryrigged it with a cocktail umbrella and ducktape (see left
Saturday, July 28, 2018
Saturday, July 21, 2018
Friday, July 20, 2018
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Thought about attributing this release to the moniker jeff2 or baby Japanese Goblin vs. Baby Angel and then never using those ever again, but I just don't have the strength.
Tried to get my tab title to look my favicon (Saiga antelope) is doing a fart
Check out the results, after the jump;)
a song i have 2 write...
♮Please tell your future self to stop living in the now /
then and only then will you learn howww ♮
♮To be the best, defeat the rest & turn this ship around
ghosts if you agree, please make a sound...
♮Please tell your future self to stop living in the now /
then and only then will you learn howww ♮
♮To be the best, defeat the rest & turn this ship around
ghosts if you agree, please make a sound...
What's my problem?
I dont have a problem mister allright already? Ive said it before ::: my brain works faster than my fingers, and even my arms, also: my heart/soul, sure? whos to say? but B U T here me out now, what if I just did it? did it all? and owned up to the heat and let what sweat come, come? haha sure, I have 1,000 youtube videos to download now for appropriated found footage fair use purposes... c.u. l8er suckerz!
I dont have a problem mister allright already? Ive said it before ::: my brain works faster than my fingers, and even my arms, also: my heart/soul, sure? whos to say? but B U T here me out now, what if I just did it? did it all? and owned up to the heat and let what sweat come, come? haha sure, I have 1,000 youtube videos to download now for appropriated found footage fair use purposes... c.u. l8er suckerz!

Sunday, July 15, 2018
Saturday, July 14, 2018
Friday, July 13, 2018
🍕 T h o u g h t s
as an unapologetic lover of PAPA JOHNS (the pizza, not the man) I am obviously torn about what is looking like the end of the pizza franchise. While on the one hand, I will miss eating this disgusting slop once every five years or so, and on the other: a horrible human being is getting what they deserve. Hmmm.
I only have 1 eBay alert...

But apparently so do a lot of people because these damn things are never lower than ~30 bucks! I'm'a gonna pull that trigger (🔫) around $10, and I might be even hit up $18-20 for brand new. But $34.99 is too damn much for a baseball hat. Thanks for reading this post.
Thursday, July 12, 2018

The custom background of my gmail is a photo i took of a window-unit A/C maybe 8-9 years ago.
Wednesday, July 11, 2018
†he $olu†ion_