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Friday, November 22, 2019

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prplmtn(s) majesty – a  track-by-track review
by Jeff
The self-titled and only record by Purple Mountains (Purple Mountains) might be my #1 album of the damn year! Oh hell yes, I just said it. A+ for sure ...

Things get started with one of the best damn lead tracks on any album ever: "That's Just the Way That I Feel." The lyric "When I try to drown my thoughts in gin / I find my worst ideas know how to swim" ... does it get any better than that? Yes, it does actually: EVERY OTHER DAMN LINE IN THIS SONG.

Then there's track 2: "All My Happiness is Gone." I can hear those sweeping synth strings forever in my heart baby. Mega <3

Shit keeps rocking with "Darkness and Cold." Gotta love that country howl ... all my favorite BACKGROUND singers COULD sing (apparently) ... jk lol

"Snow is Falling in Manhattan" slows things up, but continues to warm my heart. Nice track placement, DCB!

Some might say that the fifth track, "Margaritas at the Mall" is the Bop ... it's at least the record's "spiritual" Bop, in more ways than one, that's for sure ;)

"She’s Making Friends, I’m Turning Stranger" confirms that, hell yes this record is going to have longer song titles than any previous Silver Jews record. (This ain't your daddy's Silver Jews, kids ... buckle up).

On "I Loved Being My Mother’s Son" we get one of the most straightforward and tender songs in the catalogue ever ... Umm, can you say Lucky Us much?

There's nothing as explicitly bleak as "Nights That Won't Happen," a song that is about death and only death. Nice.

Things getting chugging again with the penultimate "Storyline Fever," another one so jammed pack with ace couplets it would be dumb to just highlight a single one.

The closer "Maybe I’m the Only One For Me" could be seen as some kinda warped companion to "Honk If You're Lonely Tonight." The line "I'll have to learn to like myself" isn't so much as a plea, but a statement of regret. This record sucks. I love it.

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