K E Y: ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video; † = highly recommended content
Friday, December 20, 2019
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Sports Report?
prplmtn(s) majesty – a track-by-track review
by Jeff
The self-titled and only record by Purple Mountains (Purple Mountains) might be my #1 album of the damn year! Oh hell yes, I just said it. A+ for sure ...by Jeff
Things get started with one of the best damn lead tracks on any album ever: "That's Just the Way That I Feel." The lyric "When I try to drown my thoughts in gin / I find my worst ideas know how to swim" ... does it get any better than that? Yes, it does actually: EVERY OTHER DAMN LINE IN THIS SONG.
Then there's track 2: "All My Happiness is Gone." I can hear those sweeping synth strings forever in my heart baby. Mega <3
Shit keeps rocking with "Darkness and Cold." Gotta love that country howl ... all my favorite BACKGROUND singers COULD sing (apparently) ... jk lol
"Snow is Falling in Manhattan" slows things up, but continues to warm my heart. Nice track placement, DCB!
Some might say that the fifth track, "Margaritas at the Mall" is the Bop ... it's at least the record's "spiritual" Bop, in more ways than one, that's for sure ;)
"She’s Making Friends, I’m Turning Stranger" confirms that, hell yes this record is going to have longer song titles than any previous Silver Jews record. (This ain't your daddy's Silver Jews, kids ... buckle up).
On "I Loved Being My Mother’s Son" we get one of the most straightforward and tender songs in the catalogue ever ... Umm, can you say Lucky Us much?
There's nothing as explicitly bleak as "Nights That Won't Happen," a song that is about death and only death. Nice.
Things getting chugging again with the penultimate "Storyline Fever," another one so jammed pack with ace couplets it would be dumb to just highlight a single one.
The closer "Maybe I’m the Only One For Me" could be seen as some kinda warped companion to "Honk If You're Lonely Tonight." The line "I'll have to learn to like myself" isn't so much as a plea, but a statement of regret. This record sucks. I love it.
Pod Dammit! Recent other Pods from our network of Pods (who the F cares?)
🚩recent podcasts ur welcome ⬆️
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Ipsum defacto.
Some day–Sunday, with the blunders... wonder why my 'y' key is so sticky? don't wonder 'bout that!
d d d d d d d d d d d
I am a goddam walking miracle. Science will be studying me for some time to come, no doubt. I am going to hit send (post) now but this is not the end ~
i am he |
Pod Dammit! Recent Pods from our network of Pods
🚩recent podcasts ur welcome ⬆️
Monday, November 11, 2019
I can't fucking focus or can I? #BreakingNews
File 14353 ah yes I know the one; it rings true and scrapes against my inner ear until the blood-curdling screams are fully inside (no one else can hear them).
On the Occasion It is Done
From here on forth to be known as the OCCASION POINT: A state of mind, located in a time and place: REDACTED. Let the record show that at 3:29 and 42 seconds, P.M. EST on a Tuesday – November the 12th, 2019, the subject was weighed and cataloged in as potential Demise Candidate: Level Shitstorm. This does not, of course, take into consideration any recent improvement and/or movie reviews (recorded in podcast form or otherwise). That the subject wished to be called "Occasion Point" or be allowed to start a band or arts collective using that name at some future juncture, is not something the committee wishes to take up at this time. He's hereby been sentenced to conduct the task of creating a music album of sorts, called thusly God 2, utilizing previous branding efforts ("Just Jeff"), and given a timeframe of 72 years to fulfill the requirement, we feel an adequate addition to the previous stipulations of the OCCASION POINT. If the subject wishes to weigh himself at any time in the 72-year framework wherein he finds himself alive he must first purge the system with a black cherry and sauerkraut mixture. Given the vast ocean of the 72-year framework we strongly encourage the subject to think of any moment in time within it as both yesterday and, more importantly, today; we feel this offers all involved a more substantial opportunity to gain that hot R.O.I.
Pod Dammit! Recent Pods from our network of Pods
🚩recent podcasts ur welcome ⬆️
Friday, November 8, 2019
All hail the dedication machine
It's been... a long time coming.
Sure. Sure thing.
I've always considered the ephemeral content (90+% of this blog's output) a big part of... of... whatever this is. MY AMERI DOT CA. But truth be told, while I love this place––I've put a lot into it!––logistically, posting here can be a nightmare. I'm using the Google platform "Blogger" to send this out to the world. I love "Blogger"––it will have a place in my heart till damn kingdom come! But, Google does not "love" Blogger. There is no Blogger app, no crucial web updates in the past ~5+ years that make it worth still using. It's a relic. The WWW is made for relics, though. And so long as they're not turning out the lights, I'll still keep buying the URL every other year.
It's the definition of futile: this venture (me: making "art") is the exact polar opposite of whatever R.O.I. is, in every possible facet. More like J.O.I.! Wait, actually.
Even, as I noted, this has stopped making sense, and to call it "art" is getting more and more difficult too: I gotta do it. I do it over here (🍤), ya know. Have been for awhile now. The reality is such that platforms matter. All platforms matter. And when it comes to the posting and the shitposting and the art, this ain't cutting it.
And so this website will exist primarily as the database. I might even go through and scrub most of the archives. Not sure yet. Such is the life of a lowly #shrimpblogger.
Sure. Sure thing.
I've always considered the ephemeral content (90+% of this blog's output) a big part of... of... whatever this is. MY AMERI DOT CA. But truth be told, while I love this place––I've put a lot into it!––logistically, posting here can be a nightmare. I'm using the Google platform "Blogger" to send this out to the world. I love "Blogger"––it will have a place in my heart till damn kingdom come! But, Google does not "love" Blogger. There is no Blogger app, no crucial web updates in the past ~5+ years that make it worth still using. It's a relic. The WWW is made for relics, though. And so long as they're not turning out the lights, I'll still keep buying the URL every other year.
It's the definition of futile: this venture (me: making "art") is the exact polar opposite of whatever R.O.I. is, in every possible facet. More like J.O.I.! Wait, actually.
Even, as I noted, this has stopped making sense, and to call it "art" is getting more and more difficult too: I gotta do it. I do it over here (🍤), ya know. Have been for awhile now. The reality is such that platforms matter. All platforms matter. And when it comes to the posting and the shitposting and the art, this ain't cutting it.
And so this website will exist primarily as the database. I might even go through and scrub most of the archives. Not sure yet. Such is the life of a lowly #shrimpblogger.
–Vernon Howl
CEO, MyAmeri.ca Industries
strike it all from the record: it is gone only the monikers remain
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Day of Year Chart
First column within each month is for regular years. The second is for leap years: 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016, 2020.day of month | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec |
1 | 001 | 032 032 | 060 061 | 091 092 | 121 122 | 152 153 | 182 183 | 213 214 | 244 245 | 274 275 | 305 306 | 335 336 |
2 | 002 | 033 033 | 061 062 | 092 093 | 122 123 | 153 154 | 183 184 | 214 215 | 245 246 | 275 276 | 306 307 | 336 337 |
3 | 003 | 034 034 | 062 063 | 093 094 | 123 124 | 154 155 | 184 185 | 215 216 | 246 247 | 276 277 | 307 308 | 337 338 |
4 | 004 | 035 035 | 063 064 | 094 095 | 124 125 | 155 156 | 185 186 | 216 217 | 247 248 | 277 278 | 308 309 | 338 339 |
5 | 005 | 036 036 | 064 065 | 095 096 | 125 126 | 156 157 | 186 187 | 217 218 | 248 249 | 278 279 | 309 310 | 339 340 |
6 | 006 | 037 037 | 065 066 | 096 097 | 126 127 | 157 158 | 187 188 | 218 219 | 249 250 | 279 280 | 310 311 | 340 341 |
7 | 007 | 038 038 | 066 067 | 097 098 | 127 128 | 158 159 | 188 189 | 219 220 | 250 251 | 280 281 | 311 312 | 341 342 |
8 | 008 | 039 039 | 067 068 | 098 099 | 128 129 | 159 160 | 189 190 | 220 221 | 251 252 | 281 282 | 312 313 | 342 343 |
9 | 009 | 040 040 | 068 069 | 099 100 | 129 130 | 160 161 | 190 191 | 221 222 | 252 253 | 282 283 | 313 314 | 343 344 |
10 | 010 | 041 041 | 069 070 | 100 101 | 130 131 | 161 162 | 191 192 | 222 223 | 253 254 | 283 284 | 314 315 | 344 345 |
11 | 011 | 042 042 | 070 071 | 101 102 | 131 132 | 162 163 | 192 193 | 223 224 | 254 255 | 284 285 | 315 316 | 345 346 |
12 | 012 | 043 043 | 071 072 | 102 103 | 132 133 | 163 164 | 193 194 | 224 225 | 255 256 | 285 286 | 316 317 | 346 347 |
13 | 013 | 044 044 | 072 073 | 103 104 | 133 134 | 164 165 | 194 195 | 225 226 | 256 257 | 286 287 | 317 318 | 347 348 |
14 | 014 | 045 045 | 073 074 | 104 105 | 134 135 | 165 166 | 195 196 | 226 227 | 257 258 | 287 288 | 318 319 | 348 349 |
15 | 015 | 046 046 | 074 075 | 105 106 | 135 136 | 166 167 | 196 197 | 227 228 | 258 259 | 288 289 | 319 320 | 349 350 |
16 | 016 | 047 047 | 075 076 | 106 107 | 136 137 | 167 168 | 197 198 | 228 229 | 259 260 | 289 290 | 320 321 | 350 351 |
17 | 017 | 048 048 | 076 077 | 107 108 | 137 138 | 168 169 | 198 199 | 229 230 | 260 261 | 290 291 | 321 322 | 351 352 |
18 | 018 | 049 049 | 077 078 | 108 109 | 138 139 | 169 170 | 199 200 | 230 231 | 261 262 | 291 292 | 322 323 | 352 353 |
19 | 019 | 050 050 | 078 079 | 109 110 | 139 140 | 170 171 | 200 201 | 231 232 | 262 263 | 292 293 | 323 324 | 353 354 |
20 | 020 | 051 051 | 079 080 | 110 111 | 140 141 | 171 172 | 201 202 | 232 233 | 263 264 | 293 294 | 324 325 | 354 355 |
21 | 021 | 052 052 | 080 081 | 111 112 | 141 142 | 172 173 | 202 203 | 233 234 | 264 265 | 294 295 | 325 326 | 355 356 |
22 | 022 | 053 053 | 081 082 | 112 113 | 142 143 | 173 174 | 203 204 | 234 235 | 265 266 | 295 296 | 326 327 | 356 357 |
23 | 023 | 054 054 | 082 083 | 113 114 | 143 144 | 174 175 | 204 205 | 235 236 | 266 267 | 296 297 | 327 328 | 357 358 |
24 | 024 | 055 055 | 083 084 | 114 115 | 144 145 | 175 176 | 205 206 | 236 237 | 267 268 | 297 298 | 328 329 | 358 359 |
25 | 025 | 056 056 | 084 085 | 115 116 | 145 146 | 176 177 | 206 207 | 237 238 | 268 269 | 298 299 | 329 330 | 359 360 |
26 | 026 | 057 057 | 085 086 | 116 117 | 146 147 | 177 178 | 207 208 | 238 239 | 269 270 | 299 300 | 330 331 | 360 361 |
27 | 027 | 058 058 | 086 087 | 117 118 | 147 148 | 178 179 | 208 209 | 239 240 | 270 271 | 300 301 | 331 332 | 361 362 |
28 | 028 | 059 059 | 087 088 | 118 119 | 148 149 | 179 180 | 209 210 | 240 241 | 271 272 | 301 302 | 332 333 | 362 363 |
29 | 029 | 060 | 088 089 | 119 120 | 149 150 | 180 181 | 210 211 | 241 242 | 272 273 | 302 303 | 333 334 | 363 364 |
30 | 030 | 089 090 | 120 121 | 150 151 | 181 182 | 211 212 | 242 243 | 273 274 | 303 304 | 334 335 | 364 365 | |
31 | 031 | 090 091 | 151 152 | 212 213 | 243 244 | 304 305 | 365 366 |
i can t possi blee this a-mazing//but a lass its tru
wallow with me now
wallow with me now
wallow with me now
wallow with me now
wallow with me now
wallow with me now
wallow with me now
wallow with me now
wallow with me now
wallow with me now
wallow with me now
wallow with me now
wallow with me now
wallow with me now
wallow with me now
wallow with me now
wallow with me now
Monday, November 4, 2019
† (h) i n
what am i supposed to do with that information?
the daily drags
Every moment after every moment feels like the moment to break it all done (start fresh the morrow!) but I can fight against it; I just ate a green Ò and I am ready to embrace my destiny as a TIN MAN
the daily drags
Every moment after every moment feels like the moment to break it all done (start fresh the morrow!) but I can fight against it; I just ate a green Ò and I am ready to embrace my destiny as a TIN MAN
of the many threads and tangents this unwieldy, almost an hour and twenty minutes long episode takes, one unrealized thought i'd like to realize now is this: this chilly a.m., i stepped outside of my house and noticed the ~5 hours of lawn work i did yesterday and it felt really nice; i felt proud of the work. i was too busy feeling pissy and sorry for myself that i had to do it while i was doing it, instead of putting on some headphones and enjoying the weather or just... breathing and enjoying my life on this planet... anything else than what i did: i did the work in a stew and it sucks that i did that, because A) the reward was/is enjoyable, and B) the process should have been as well. i couldn't even enjoy it when i was done because i was mad that i had missed the freaking early NFL London game which wasn't even a good game! what a dumb thing to be 'mad at' !!! speaking of leaves, i have turned over way more than my allotted amount but one takeaway from all that Sunday yard work, is that there truly is an ∞ amount of leaves. each day is a new opportunity to do something better, do something new, do something you've done before but take a minute, no take a five seconds to actually appreciate. as eminem said,
If you had
One shot
Or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted
In one moment
Would you capture it
Or just let it slip?
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
s̶̺̼̯̯̈́̇̄́̀̀ͅǒ̷̧̧̼̏̊̓͘̕ ̸̨͉̬̏ȉ̶̛̖͖̪͇͎̖̫̃̌̉͑͆̂̈̕ ̴̡̱̫̹̺̔͑̀͊̔̿ͅw̴̨͙̲̼͎̪͕̱͉̎̄́̋r̵͉̅͒̾̀̋ͅò̴̡̯͓̗̭͔͙̅̈́̐̄̓̊̋͝ţ̴͋̿̑̈́e̶̞̪̘̟͆͛̈́̄͝ ̴̡͎̲̲̰͇̜̇́a̸̡̛̝̯̱̟̭̠̳̲͊͗́̏͐́̕ ̴̘̤͔̟̼̊̂ẗ̸̳̥̞̗̟̯̙́h̴̼̬͉͛̉̀̀̃̾̊͘͠ȉ̸̛̖̮̺̭̞͔̗̮̽͋̈̿͘ͅn̵̮̖͔̺͚̝̫̳̼͆͒̒̍͐͑̿͝g̴̫̼̫̱̞͕̩̓͐̉
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Part of me wants to be one of those guys who gets rid of all his clothes and then just buys many versions of the SAME outfit, like I could go with an all black look and just buy x amount of one type of black shirt, pants, workout gear etc etc I mean I probably wouldn't go with black I would probably go with some interesting color palette like the state flag of Colorado or something but still being that guy is A LOT and I'm not prepared to deal with the fallout honestly
- im blaming not getting another 1 on my shit which is real that is the answer
- im setup here to succeed its never been more clear that that is the truth
- im ready to accept the answer and it doesnt involve the my lord+savior Pasta
Shed not a tear they said
For, forever how in bloom, your flowers will grow
lest a desert sprout from
your lonely heart.
lest a desert sprout from
your lonely heart.
†ippin dem scales
so what it's tuesday you g.d. maniacs what you gonna do abt it stop time on a dime and suk off mother 🌎 ? i didn't think so-- read posts and bet on sports yea now we're talking ! i am the capt of a perpetually sinking ship; it never quite makes it to the bottom so james cameron can't get his jollies off & whatnot. but listen, my biggest project is a noose around my neck-- it's 77k gb of hell (@ least); a giant pissing off the summit onto the town below of me.
it feels good 2b alive
it feels good 2b alive
Monday, October 28, 2019
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
I think I've bypassed some kind of gatekeeper status at IMDB because my reviews pass inspection almost instantaneously now. I have MANY MANY of these in the can and will be staggering their release as I get back into **drum-roll** the movie review podcasting game! **big reggaeton horn** that's right, my movie reviews as well as my dumb podcast in genereal are returning shortly. Until then, check out my user account on IMDB: ernestsavesxmas
Update: The Final (web)Level for my Movie Review Content is now this here thing which will be fully updated in the year 208282328328: https://themoviereviewshow.blogspot.com/
Monday, October 21, 2019
welp, close it down
impossibly bleak::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
my teeth are too fucked up to eat ANY halloween candy this year
i'm just like, uh, posting this here as a reminder/beacon/warning (¿) to, uh, not eat any halloween candy... cool. Everything's fine.
Facebook is completely F*CKED !
I mean: not breaking any news here Obvs
but, for ex: I tried to log-in to delete the long dormant vernonhowl page
and to do this I first needed to upload a photo I.D. ? WTF
That's not even a real person... Now the account is apparently fully Locked. So fucked. They truly are trying to create a database of every human on earth to then sell that information to XY&Z and will stop at nothing in pursuit of this goal... even pseudonyms born in the early 00s aren't safe!
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Latenight(ish) yesterday, I had a non-fever waking fever dream wherein I picked up my "mostly shitty but realizing again now maybe somewhat cool" kindle ipad fire thingie (7?) and opened up a digi-painting app I think it's called Art Rage. Anyhoot. Here are my brain's (FIXED!) two concoctions which are now future fake album covers and I like them both quite a bit I think. The one on the left is supposed to be representative of the Roman Numeral C (as in "100"). And the one on the right is, you know, a kooky dog (nothing to explain there?). If you happen to be a musician looking for an album / album title / cover art / concept / etc, please by all means go ahead and steal either of these right now! Have at it! Mazel Tov!
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Friday, October 18, 2019
here well .. here is a world (app/tech) that i've more or less unilaterally decided to 'sit out' – making this (arguably) the first platform i've chosen not to explore, even from an anthropological /interest in the tech kinda of a way .. I WISH EVERYONE INVOLVED WITH ITS USAGE RATE, USER BASE AND UNMISTAKABLE SUCCESS (most importantly) NOTHING BUT THE BEST :•)