K E Y: ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video; † = highly recommended content
Monday, January 10, 2022
watching the national championship 🏆 (bama Georgia ) and reading Antkind ebook on my phone
Gonna try not to look at Twitter. Went to sprouts while the kid was at gymnastics. Ate pretty good today. Good enough. Could be better. Knicks are also on I have that playing on Chromecast via Yahoo via the sports book scam I pulled off to get NBA league pass for free. I am rooting for bama in this game. I have a scheme to catch-up on various projects by valentine day, which falls on a Monday for very nice synergy, set up. Pretty good stuff. Will be good to be done with these two projects that I have schedule set up for. Would be nice to finish some other projects too but I don't wanna stretch myself too thin. Ok. That's enough typing on this post 📯🏣