K E Y: ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video; † = highly recommended content
Wednesday, April 11, 2018
lol. i did a lot of wacky/dum vidz a few yrs ago (11 in total) of which i deleted the corresponding posts on this site sometime thereafter, but the vids––quick premise: i used a completely random geo-locator until i found something in the united states then i did a google n' screencap commentary wherein i learned about said town in 'real-time'––but the vids ya see, they keep rackin' up the modest views and still garner the odd comment here & there, prob a 100% of which are residents of the (super) small towns who've stumbled upon my vids because, well, there's just not a ton of content on the ole google when it comes to their little slice of this world. an untapped market? perhaps. perhaps that was my idea when i started them. i've had worse ones (ideas); that's for sure. . .
(Let's) Make It a Good 1