K E Y:  ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video;  = highly recommended content

Friday, April 17, 2020

The Holy Trinity™


I now present you, a long overdue reconsolidation / reorganization of my three main “web properties” which, heretofore ever after, shall be exclusively referred to as The Holy Trinity™…

aka clickbait HQ, aka where it all began

This is my original baby and still the website I own which gets the most hot clicks. Fully restocked for 2020 with a sick new puke your brains out death vibrant green design. Posting daily-ish unique as hell content (like The Year of Cage, on hiatus) that will make your body squirm, make you feel alive. 

aka my tumblr, aka approaching 10,000 posts baby

This is the site where I post quick hitters: what I’m listening to, what I’m watching, brief thoughts perhaps on that and other stuff, etc etc. There are no real rules, but if you’re looking for my Top 10 Movies of the Year list and stupid crap like that, this is where you’ll find it.

aka 100% america content 100% canadian website

Much of what goes down on vh dot com (#1), used to happen here. In fact, one of my many projects moving forward is going to be the dissection of this blog’s 4,000+ rich archive of posts. The worthy of which will be migrated to the vh HQ in due time. So the main thing going on here is that it is a resource for everything I create, like my discography and umm other crap. This will have the least new posts going forward. Shalom.

So that’s that and that’s all folks. There are other sites of course, many hopelessly out of date, like Daily Gifs Clubthe Everyday Songz projectLIFECAST.INFO and my Weekly Books adventure. Check em out. Print em out and bookmark em even. See if I care.