K E Y:  ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video;  = highly recommended content

Friday, December 11, 2020

The 3,602nd Post

This is the 3,602nd post on this website. Oh whoops I wrote that already in the title haha. It is Post #39 of 2020. You can see the breakdown ie the Slow Decline over the last 5 years... 

I can't promise I will post more or less in 2021 on this site. But what I can do is say that posting doesn't matter. Can we talk about hashtags?

Yes, sure go ahead.

Thank you!

On the right are the 7 hashtags or: "labels," if you will. In May of 2018 I starting using the label 🅶🅾🅾🅳%20🅰🆂🆂%20🅿🅾🆂🆃🆂 for every single post. It's a meaningless hashtag and I am retiring it now. All of the other labels are self-explanatory I'd imagine. I don't know (IDK). 

Anyway, this is the final post of 2020 The Good Year (blimp) -> blimpies sandwiches -> there was a Blimpies© near my dad's office growing up in morristown nj that we would get subs at sometimes and I remember even as a kid thinking how it was just bodunk Subway© but also (at the time) still better in a way and I'm sure if there are any Blimpies sub shoppes still going that this is definitely still the case and probably more so. I can still see the dirty floor.

Anyway, I will post on this website from time to time whenever I feel like it and it will mostly be about projects that I am working on / finished (hopefully more the latter). But I'm mostly gonna be posting (raw stuff, real stuff) on this other site that I am going to rent the URL for at least one more year and see if takes off as the content farm it was born to be and make me a billionaire web mogul. That site is...

Monday, November 23, 2020

The Longest URL in the World

Hello. This is the story of a boy who sought to make The Longest URL in the World (over 8,000 characters long). Enjoy - Click the post title to see the actual URL unfold

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

In an Attempt on My Life

I won't be rattled cage or no cage, Nick.

 Whosever is Re–sponsible for the UTube Channel 'Cinemidgets: Film's Greatest Little People' i find it Highly OFFensive and hope that you get DeMonetized like the Scoundrels & Filth you rightly are....

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

My 3 Fav Vidz

I dunno why I have these mp4s on my puter, why I ripped them to begin them, why they aren't in the digital bin (trash), but I think they say a lot about me? Sure the first one promotes a false hope for humanity, and the second one is homophobic on the surface, and number three is blatantly antishrimpitic insomuch as it puts so many shrimp lives at risks (it also promotes false-Australgia).... but this is who I am; this is how a brain gets made. 

There Was Nothing Shrimp I Left UnBlogged™

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The Return of Shit & Sports

It was a long time coming to get over the moon . . . .

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

No going back
America tilted

Sunday, August 23, 2020

For the sake of time, and continuity, perpetuity, cutie patootity, and any other itys, there is a new "LANDING PAGE" for the TheoCat() aka The Theoretical Catalog (Fake Albums a/k/a albums that don't exist yet commission these albums today, good prospective benefactor). So you know visit the "LANDING PAGE" get outta here scram do it now; 3 albums posted already; new + improved HIGHER Price$ etc.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Thank you Stella - Stella gets it

Thursday, August 6, 2020

If there is a world where is that world ªº

it's come to my attention that there's nothing more than attention left and what we need to now is less not more of it so we can sink back into our true self and feel at one with the most of not wanting more than a little bit water 💦 a little bit of air 🙂 this isn't too much to ask you can still have ice cream or 🕳️🕳️🕳️🕳️🕳️🕳️ as a treat each Sunday.

Saturday, June 20, 2020

F o r ˆ I m m e d i a t e ˆ r e l e a s e

Monday, June 8, 2020

Thursday, May 28, 2020

          Oh hi, remember me? It's jeff and I just posted the 800th episode of my podcast: Myspace the Podcast. What a journey it's been! Most people are like "you were still doing that this entire time" and also "and you did 800 of them!?" Yupparooni. Thanks for the ride coming along on the ride. What. Uh, sure. I don't really know what else to say, but I made this thing primarily on FinalCutX so it's probably "better" to watch than to "listen to." But what do I know. (Seriously it ain't much!) I am aiming for something akin to synergy with this project which took a decent chunk of the day but honestly not too bad. I have no time anymore but I am hanging in as tough as I ever done have, like an old mule me is. If all goes according to plan (UN-LYKELY!) then there will be a companion "book" published tomorrow in accordance with... whatever this is. I'd say "enjoy" but who am I kidding

Friday, April 17, 2020

The Holy Trinity™


I now present you, a long overdue reconsolidation / reorganization of my three main “web properties” which, heretofore ever after, shall be exclusively referred to as The Holy Trinity™…

aka clickbait HQ, aka where it all began

This is my original baby and still the website I own which gets the most hot clicks. Fully restocked for 2020 with a sick new puke your brains out death vibrant green design. Posting daily-ish unique as hell content (like The Year of Cage, on hiatus) that will make your body squirm, make you feel alive. 

aka my tumblr, aka approaching 10,000 posts baby

This is the site where I post quick hitters: what I’m listening to, what I’m watching, brief thoughts perhaps on that and other stuff, etc etc. There are no real rules, but if you’re looking for my Top 10 Movies of the Year list and stupid crap like that, this is where you’ll find it.

aka 100% america content 100% canadian website

Much of what goes down on vh dot com (#1), used to happen here. In fact, one of my many projects moving forward is going to be the dissection of this blog’s 4,000+ rich archive of posts. The worthy of which will be migrated to the vh HQ in due time. So the main thing going on here is that it is a resource for everything I create, like my discography and umm other crap. This will have the least new posts going forward. Shalom.

So that’s that and that’s all folks. There are other sites of course, many hopelessly out of date, like Daily Gifs Clubthe Everyday Songz projectLIFECAST.INFO and my Weekly Books adventure. Check em out. Print em out and bookmark em even. See if I care.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

💦🎶💦🎶💦🎶💦🎶💦🎶💦 Vol. V • Apocalypse Came & Went: The Return of Water Music

© titty Pauper you're just a Pity Piper nude muffin pity Piper you're just a Pity popper © I'm so dumb dumber than a rock to some its condom drums but it's just my luck © the return of water music I've seen her around the world in which Aaron of water music as seen on TV girl © I don't say this lightly you know I don't mean to tell you since I will never build a wall between us not even sure just loving you has been drinking © the apocalypse came in when Taco Lucas going to raise them © Sunshine's is not flushable in another time © Jenni Rivera © on Botswana Boulevard I'm not sure by and she was wearing back © I'm just a man. I'm just a man in the middle, but I'm not a middle man. You can get that for a game that you can't get a man in the middle © I will be there. ©



Friday, April 3, 2020

year 2000
  Twentyears A- go

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Wow good shit. Forgotten gmail accounts (9 years+ dormant) for $600 Alex.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020



Monday, January 27, 2020


Things are going swimmingly in fact they could be much better but whatever I'm doing here is ok in its otherwise short supply and the recordings cannot be and will not be stopped; the movies and songs: ok not terribly behind, though––alas––when the month changes to dreary feb, expect the deluge that is the backlog to overwhelm, and whether or not we (I, I, I) can overcome is the proverbially big question. 2020 can't be stopped. It just morphs and throttles, shimmies and swells.

Monday, January 13, 2020

2020: The Year I Tried to be a Music Critic....

As you know, I am a WORLD CLASS film critic. This cannot be disputed.

But, I have failed as a music critic. Behold my failures AFTER THE JUMP (!)

as far as these things go, this one went ok (better than most?)

If Letterboxd is a thing u do, i am jefk on that shit - check it out ;)

UPDATE: I am not doin th'site n.e. moh... my Content™™™ is Not4FREE!!

Thursday, January 9, 2020

🍟 D⃣   I⃣   E⃣   T⃣ D⃣   A⃣   Y⃣ 2020🍟

Hola amigos. J⃣   E⃣   F⃣   F⃣here with a new 🅶🅾🅾🅳 🅰🆂🆂 🅿🅾🆂🆃.

January 9th is officially DIET DAY! What the F does that mean, you ask? Well, that is the day we (i) post our (my) Media Diet! You can see every single thing I listened to, read, & watched over the last calendar year, exclusively @ our ad-supported sister weblog vernonhowl.com

DIET DAY also means the Official H⃣   A⃣   R⃣   D⃣    L⃣   A⃣   U⃣   N⃣   C⃣   H⃣ of my new food and money blog called food-n-money.tumblr.com where I will be posting EVERYTHING I EAT and EVERYTHING I BUY/SPEND $ ON.

Wow. What. A. Day.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Life of a 🐎 in the 👁️ of the 🌪️

And we're back! New THEORETICAL album. The first of 2020: right here 🐎

Friday, January 3, 2020

It's here. It's out folks. My 2019 Financial Spending Report.

I'm not sure what the point of doing this was really. Thought it would be more interesting to see where my money (30K+) went. Is it?

This is an inaccurate report. I only started doing this in April, so I loosely calculated what I might have spent in the first quarter of the last calendar year. Tracked against my net gains, I think it's pretty close though. I was able to stash 4K in my savings account that previously had $0 dollars in it, and I still have a ~$1,500 surplus in the ole checking account. And that checks out. I will be keeping a much more detailed track record of this beginning with my first purchase of 2020 (whenever that might be) here at this new blog: food-n-money.tumblr.com.

I'll now commence with deleting all the individual $pending posts of 2019 and earlier on this blog. Shalom and namaste and vote for Bernie Sanders.