K E Y: ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video; † = highly recommended content
Friday, April 28, 2017
I am...
That Feeling When You Are Trying To Touch Your Phone Or Tablet Just As It Goes Into Lock Screen And Your Mind Knows You Touched It Before It Should Have Turned To Black And Maybe Life Is Not Fair; Is This A Metaphor? OMG Maybe It Is; We Should Get Out Of Here.
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
I believe in a world of myselfA tight and beautiful procession sweeps gently against the concrete outside my house; it's all concrete. The newborn trees came in still and turned to settled dust despite the bad wind. If only I––Chief Apathy Officer (CAO)––could be of some assistance, but my mango-peach DumDum™ mind is a slog. This is called 'getting back on track' and the taxes we pay to clear the debt are a great minimalist sleep, the only form of such wherein the outcome is unable to be appreciated.
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Sunday, April 23, 2017
൫ HOOK, _____ & SINKER
൫ HOOK, _____ & SINKER
Wednesday, April 19, 2017
CONFESSION TIME THEATRE: Sometimes, I like to make a second pot of coffee for 'the day' and then consume some/most/all of it. This coffee pot is almost always the 'cheap blend'––in this case is the Chock Full o' Nuts NY blend (See image, left). This pot usually does the trick' but leaves me somewhat in 'gastrointestinal distress' on occasion. This is not an ideal state, as I feel my mind and body are not NSYNC.
April 19, 2017 at 10:00AM
Let's just keep Facebook and all the social media platforms as dumb as possible because it sure as hell beats thinking about things in a serious manner and/or using them for pure evil or whathaveyou. OK?
Monday, April 17, 2017
I just thought of two album ideas and they are both so super bad why am I even posting about them ugh why. I guess I'm doing a post because they both use parenthesis. Ok, #1 is (Getting) Froyo in Philly, idk I think the frontal parentheses is funny here idk why. #2 is DELADOM (Dominik from Delaware), this one is probably good tho for real. Ok, gotta go.
I ran around the Kensington/Port Rich/Fishtown periphery yesterday, Easter Sunday, about a 5-mile trek along Aramingo, Lehigh and Front, no big deal, and let me tell you the crazies were out in full effect. My theory is that the holidays, especially the old religions ones cloaked with obscene blasts of spectacle and color, tend to bring out the worst in people, or if not the worst then the pain which might've been bubbling just under the surface for a long long time. I ran by a screaming woman, barefoot outside an Exxon and she did what looked like downward dog but it wasn't real yoga and I couldn't hear her because I was blaring 10cc's The Original Soundtrack at max volume on my ~$7 Panasonic earbuds (highly recommended btw). I videotaped this event and thusly have the visual evidence and could examine what she was hollering about––if said hollering was at all coherent––but I don't know if I should watch the video. My LIFECAST.INFO has hit a predictable snag, but not so jagged/harsh that I feel like giving up. I will rise again, much like Señor Jesus. The fate of this woman though, both in life and in my future in the arts, is uncertain.
The fact that I was present to run at all on this day of days might also be noteworthy: my dog is ill. While the rest of the family drove to New Jersey for some festivities, I took watch over our loyal, excitable pup Franklin, an 8-year-old jet black mutt. His stomach ain't right. He needed to be let out on the hour, every hour, and I won't get into the particulars of canine diarrhea, especially in a big city with no nearby (private) wooded/grassy areas. It's not exactly an Easter egg hunt.
The fact that I was present to run at all on this day of days might also be noteworthy: my dog is ill. While the rest of the family drove to New Jersey for some festivities, I took watch over our loyal, excitable pup Franklin, an 8-year-old jet black mutt. His stomach ain't right. He needed to be let out on the hour, every hour, and I won't get into the particulars of canine diarrhea, especially in a big city with no nearby (private) wooded/grassy areas. It's not exactly an Easter egg hunt.
I love making descent songs
❝ Greg Bisby must have been a busy Greg, his ready to rock release sounds like it had been juiced up on a weird experimental cocktail that might be pretty harmful towards your health, but pretty much beneficial towards the creative process. The first song on it is sounding the most sober, a descent song with wonderful sung words and music that most young performers would die for; a classy act of song making and writing all awesomely executed with evidence of a slight delirium going on. Or at least that’s what it seems to convey over from over where I have been standing; the inside therapy room at the local lunatic asylum, cause they have a good set of speakers!R.U. Ready 2 Rock?––both its descent and ascent songs, apparently––has been 'reviewed' at a place called Yeah I Know It Sucks. Wait, you know? Wait, who are you? Oh geez.
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean imperdiet est a ex euismod, vel ullamcorper orci venenatis. Vivamus facilisis hendrerit justo, ac consequat ipsum pretium vulputate. Etiam porttitor molestie urna. Maecenas gravida dapibus magna, id volutpat quam dapibus vel. Nulla ipsum nunc, dapibus vitae pharetra quis, sollicitudin bibendum nulla. Praesent nec elementum nisi, hendrerit tempus tortor. Ut vitae nulla molestie, efficitur purus at, convallis augue. Cras a arcu dui. Donec aliquam eu odio id egestas. Praesent rutrum risus vehicula est vehicula euismod. Aenean accumsan, est eu vehicula porttitor, velit lectus congue est, non bibendum mi sem sit amet lectus. Etiam at ligula urna.
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
whenever i feel i wanna start doing more "social media" & then i do just that, i realize how daunting and demanding that is; like, whatta time constraint ?? !! people actually do this tho it seems ... i ain't gon' quit tho; i feel like i can be a sms (social media star). just need to give it a college try etc
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
April 11, 2017 at 08:50AM
Kids are already saying "u got United" in the street after every fracas, dust up or melee. It's a badge of honor to be like the ✈️ 👮. Drawing blood or otherwise.
Sunday, April 9, 2017
The irony that is LCD Soundsystem transmitting a message via printing out paper (waste) to tell fans not to use their phones to relay information (not waste, at least literally) is hard to ignore. Just let people do whatever they want to do. If they can't be free to express themselves at a rock show then where can they?
Thursday, April 6, 2017
Outside, you're in a major center of all sorts of things from the great aquarium to girly shows to coffee shops to a Holocaust Memorial Park. It's a city, a big city. I wouldln't let children loose in the neighborhood, but I wouldn't hesitate to walk with them anywhere.Part of an AIRBNB review of a place I'm going to tomorrow.
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
On Kenny Jenkins Pepsi Cola viral advertising forum
Look, the sad darkness is upon us. We've squandered our ability to autocorrect pity. If KJ had eloped with hair product commercial, perhaps for some forgotten brand and it ended with her washing a cop's pubic zone with the thick cleanse, then what? This is what we deserve.
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Monday, April 3, 2017
As mentioned in today's first podcast, it does seem like there are three very good song angles for the first three games of the MLB season which were played yesterday:
Will I do this? Maybe, who knows! Tune in to find out!
• "Tanaka Got Rocked (Tanaka Rock)"
• "Double Dinger Bumgarner"
and lastly
• "White Ad"
Will I do this? Maybe, who knows! Tune in to find out!