K E Y:  ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video;  = highly recommended content

Tuesday, August 14, 2018


time 2 go the gym 2 complete watching the film Blade Runner (original!);
         I hope it doesn't t-storm on my booty!

🎶👑 NEW MUSIC—"I'm Not Keen on Crying Alone"—FROM THE KING SKYKID👑🎶

2 new bandz

on the Pizza Puppies (label) roster. welcome!! click "more" for bonus release!!

U P D A T E :
I've had a few people sign up for the newsletter but have not sent out a single newsletter yet; what gives, you ask?
Keep vigilant. Newsletter #1 will hopefully be out by the end of the year. Maybe. Perhaps. We'll see. IDFK. Help me.

Tracklist • for the new EP $andwich $cam

1. I Asked for No Mayo!
2. You Call This Meat?
3. We're Out of Rye
4. Pickles on the Side Please, My Good Sir

A thing I am, somewhat reluctantly, proud of

Granted, not much to see here but... re Facebook: despite all the experimenting I've done over the years using it as a way to broadcast thoughts, projects, ideas (however haphazardly) and otherwise as content-sharing platform, I've never succumbed to using it as a content aggregator and still to this day think its present design as such is so convoluted and bad, that I couldn't imagine even doing so accidentally. That's all. This is probably nothing to be proud of, but I nonetheless felt like sharing it here in late 2018 on my personal weblog. Thanks for checking out my posts. More to come!

UPDATE:2020:for some reason that FB page is still active tho i havent logged on in many a moon/perhaps i will again but it is Highly UNlikely

my wife got this non-dairy almond creamer and it is the goddam jam my friends; i can't keep my damn paws off it making that hot-ass homebrew iced coffee cam, ya feel me
