Kinda wish of Montreal would make a record that is "DIFFERENT" stylistically, not even necessarily from a music standpoint. But something that doesn't seem so "of MONTREAL" in terms of song/album title(s) and cover art. IDK.
Feel like I've been living under a rock re theme park admission prices. It was $50+ for adults at friggin' Sesame Place and apparently regular-price tickets at Great Adventure (NJ Six Flags) are over $70? Having a real "get off my lawn" moment here, folks.
Counting Crows were great last night. They played one of my all-time favorite songs for the very first time live in concert, "Ballad of El Goodo" by Big Star. That was a very special surprise. Rob Thomas (of Matchbox 20) played first and he was really good too. He has been covering "Let's Dance" every show this tour, and they really did it justice. Love those keyboard horns.