K E Y: ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video; † = highly recommended content
Tuesday, July 17, 2018
Thought about attributing this release to the moniker jeff2 or baby Japanese Goblin vs. Baby Angel and then never using those ever again, but I just don't have the strength.
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So, No Offense™, but I have to say that the new neighbors are big improvement because they're not unemployed and smoking cigarettes outside my window 24 hours today, that's all ;)
What's my problem? I dont have a problem mister allright already? Ive said it before ::: my brain works faster than my fingers, and even my arms, also: my heart/soul, sure? whos to say? but B U T here me out now, what if I just did it? did it all? and owned up to the heat and let what sweat come, come? haha sure, I have 1,000 youtube videos to download now for appropriated found footage fair use purposes... c.u. l8er suckerz! (❓)