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Thursday, February 19, 2015
“ yyyeah, never really developed a taste for Beck. the only track I’ve heard that I really liked was ‘Debra’, but even then, I think it’s kinda stupid. have never really understood the appeal, other than that if you are into dudes he’s really pretty. he gets some nice soundscapes going at times, but ugh, the, uh, ‘rapping’, or whatever it is, that was his shtick when he got huge, is not at all good rapping. [Source.]
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Deadspin just blew up this guy's very odd website and I hope he's not stalked by equally weird but far bitter jerks out there (the comments section thus far is not promising). The "Rovellian creepiness" aside, part of me is really intrigued by this project.
He doesn't deserve to be named and his book was sentimental nonsense meant to look like something Dave Eggers would write.
— Norm Macdonald (@normmacdonald) February 19, 2015