K E Y:  ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video;  = highly recommended content

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

I think this might be the best photo I've ever taken.
if i take pictures of you, stranger, then you are now a part of my life and we are collectively one and it isn’t a meaningless slight because you are strange: oh, please be aware of this . . .
Hey folks look it's Bob and Bri, another bad album that doesn't exist.

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Monday, August 28, 2017

M Y • F A C E
T O • A N
C R O W • H O U N D
A "major leagues" sized shout-outs to my wonderful trio of strong-ass and beautiful sons: Yuppo, Stucco and Klim!

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Continuing with "my series" called FIVE YEARS AGO TODAY, five years ago today, I was doing a fantasy football mock draft when one of the participants trolled for phone sex in the chat area. 732 was basically the area code for where I was living at the time which made this even more creepy.

Thursday, August 24, 2017

am closing in on 17,000 photos in my Flickr account and some of them, sources say, may even be beautiful
My Twitter avatar means post office in Japanese? Maybe.

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

GoDaddy doesn't understand this shit at all.
I walked into a Target yesterday, ostensibly to purchase two pairs of shorts (one for working out/running, etc. and a nicer pair to 'wear around places and such') but I was so struck by [corporate malaise??] that I turned around, no more than twenty feet inside the building, peed in the bathroom and left. I am going to go to the thrift store in my 'hood later today.

Monday, August 21, 2017

†he ECLIPSE-JUICE™ is my power now.
I don'† need food.

maybe there is nothing inherently wrong with being supremely aggressive/confident (alpha) and good at Jeopardy! (the game show) .... maybe you can fuck right off if you think otherwise, ya bitch
the only thing i've had to eat since ECLIPSAGETTIN' is a red&white-striped peppermint candy (#EclipseDietFTW)


The eclipse was so underwhelming, one could argue, that the cosmic force one was anticipating––that of the total and complete life-changing variety––not only didn't come, but was so absent that its blank energy worked, symbolically, in a much stronger, more fervent way, and life did change, completely, after all.

August 21, 2017 at 03:21PM

Solar eclipse is happening now I guess. So they say.
It's kind of funny—
(not funny)-funny—
to think about
how many people
are going to legit
do serious damage
to their eyes
looking at the
eclipse today.

' ' Oh hell yea ' '


ur now looking @

🌘 E C L I P S E 🌘
this is it. saved u some real 💵 .on them dumb glasses

Friday, August 18, 2017

This is actually a very cool idea. I've often thought about [something 'like' this, in the most abstract of terms]. When I walk by litter, I'm not disgusted. There is a story behind every piece of detritus on the street. You couldn't walk fifty feet in my hood without spending half your day tracking the litter via an app like this, and I'm not sure how they intend to 'fix' litter. (Their website descripti is vague af as well:
Geotags provide insight into problem areas, while keywords identify the most commonly found brands and products. This data will be used to work with companies and organizations to find more sustainable solutions.
...lol what? Yes call CHEETOS® and yell at them because their customers are throwing bags in the street.) But as an art project it is A++. Maybe we shouldn't try to fix this, but rather accept it for all its newage beauty. People used to plant seeds, now they throw Wendy's bag out of their car windows. Different strokes.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

slow burn

I haven't ran outside in weeks I think, and I just got back from a 3-mile run. My body isn't reacting properly! By that I mean: I'm not sweating like I should be sweating. I think my pores are clogged or something. It feels like the sweat is straining to come out. It feels funky.
Very happy to announce that I stopped looked at tweets (it's been almost two hours sober!) b/c my life is much better now

Had an idea for content as I woke up this morning... was going to feature part of a movie and share it on Twitter, chopped & screwed style (?). Maybe? I can't even remember what it was though. Always write down your ideas, people. That is the lesson here. I keep this Twitter account mostly as a public notepad of sorts. Someone in Mumbai looked at this website at 3:38 AM my time; I dunno what time it was over there.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Monday, August 14, 2017


The Knife in My Back is Beautiful
Badger Brain
Growing Bored, Can't Conform
I Would Like to Think You Weren't Laughing When You Did That Thing
Yip Harburg Died Three Months Before I Was Born
Putting 5 Uncrackable Pistachios in My Pocket
The Swan… a Kook
The Eagle Has Landed Cock-Blocked 🇺🇸 from Reaching Its True Potential
The Dove
Faulty Mechanisms Working in Reverse
Preamble (Coda for a Code)
 = The 🐦 Trilogy | *coming soon | preview art here

Saturday, August 12, 2017

I can't with all this nazi white supremacist shit

Like i literally kant. My name is Zlot all of a sudden and my eyes kant do reading. Its just random wiki in the wiki app for me or give me death

Friday, August 11, 2017

Thursday, August 10, 2017

I'd like to talk about two things I saw on Monday, August 7th, 2017 (earlier this week). On the left (A), I wondered why they put the sticker on this car sideways. On the right, (B) this fella in the grocery store had a shirt that said "Paris" and it had a picture of the E-Tower on it (sorry the photo is blurry). That's all I wanted to talk about now.

We need to talk about how Tony Soprano invented the dab

He did. In 2002. Right after he killed Ralphie in S04E09, "Whoever Did This."

I am most imporatn (me)

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Imma goun fixx thiz thinngh


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Friday, August 4, 2017

I think this is the most beautiful error message ever generated

If you glance at this piece of bread in your periphery, doesn't it look like some kind of forrest scene or am I going nuts?

Thursday, August 3, 2017

M O O D:

August 3 Baby!

a day that will live in famine, see 👀?!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

I was always embracing a darkness before searching for any light.