   K E Y:  ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video;  = highly recommended content

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Not sure if I posted about this yet, but this shit is real. It is also the real shit.

This Twitter account is six years old, finally legal drinking age.

just got done with my jog
it was probably the longest run i've done in a couple months?
maybe ~7 miles
it felt good
like why did i stop doing this?

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

"About to go jog under the Ben Frank B so if anyone wants to throw something off the bridge and try to hit me now (in about 30min)'s your chance!"
The name of my phone. ...

Here is a video of a lizard watching cartoons uploaded to YouTube in 2013

          A gallery of lists appointed to the man's mind, a spoon—tracing a gaggle of the letter S—thought, as it felt the atoms never touching throughout the day, would be the only thing to defeat the book of emoji-clad pages on the desk of the balding editor. The hand that held the spoon, now an appendage itself, used the spoon as a weapon against the eyes of the hand, the eyes on the head, the head of the man.

The spoon longed to be drawing on the stomach of the woman again, Ss or otherwise. She was lying on the ground and the editor was gone or, so to speak, not present.

In the shape of an S all parties agreed one might stumble on a dot, a bump, a bullet point and stop. And then a straight line would appear. Then another bullet and another line and so on. And on these lines would be a different list. The lists would only own their line and all items would be separated by a semicolon. A uniform list of lists, of words, each one itself another kind of list.

Monday, October 16, 2017

my iPhone is suspiciously filled up again, over 50% of the storage is now the dreaded yellow "Other"––this is so clearly a scam to get you 'on the cloud' but as long as I bow down to the church of Apple I guess there's no other way out. just want a big-ass machine to do my bidding and create that hot content on the go. don't care about speed. speed kills. gimme a big rhino of a phone and let's call it a day

Thursday, October 12, 2017

The fantasy football league which I am the commissioner of is… in crisis. The league is in crisis, folks.