K E Y:  ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video;  = highly recommended content

This is the new home for my theoretical catalog (THEOCAT)— starting with #161. I don't feel like going through the trouble of putting all these blank albums on Bandcamp any more cuz I have like 2,000 to post so I'm just gonna post them here with the cover, title, & tracklist and that's all! (In fact, starting with #179, I stopped even posting fake tracklists.) When ordering, please indicate the # record you want! ($99.99 for single albums, $149.99 for multi-volume)

* indicates multi-volume fake album

O r i g i n a l • P r o m o • C o p y...
LISTEN UP: These albums and tracks don't exist yet. But they could. They have an album title, song titles, an album cover and basically a general concept/feel already in place. They just need a benefactor. By purchasing an album via the button above, you will set the wheels in motion; you will be immortalized as this record's Executive Producer and get your name (and/or links to promote your own work/stuff/something) on its album page at www.MyAmeri.ca for eternity. The Pizza Puppies Arts Collective Record Label will be forever grateful for your patronage as well. Thanks for considering this proposal to make a Fake Theoretical Album… 𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋

161. Hands of Godd

1. I Saw God in a Gas Station Rabbit's Foot
2. The Rub, The Rubber, & The Rubbish
3. This Might Be Hell
4. Deleted Paint
5. Fake Meat for Jesus
6. Artistatement
7. 13 Rollercoasters
8. The Delicacy of Elves Left Out in the Sun to Spoil
9. Nike Ankle Tattoo (Barefoot Sport)
10. Glands of Hodge


1. 4D Chess in a Cash-Strapped World
2. Avatar Tar
3. A Serious Case of Lasagna Lung
4. Deplorable Moonbeams 2: DMs in the Metaverse
5. Met Averse People
6. Lasagna Lung Johnson
7. Stripper Party Fallout Shelter
8. Sad @ The Alps
9. My Checkered Lexus
10. LOVECITY 3D Party Anthem (You Know Where 2 Find Me)

163. TRUNK *


1. In Botany
2. Main Wooden Axis


1. British English Boot
2. Dicky, Dickie, or Diggy


1. Most of the Body's Organs
2. Torso What


1. Fused with Top Lip
2. Proboskis


1. Cuboid Container
2. Anti-Chest

164. The Djoggies Trilogy *

Volume 1: 1dentity

1. lek, ilu
2. uv b-trayul
3. nixt exat
4. eff af
5. exo holo (cholo)
6. the hypopulate
7. wooster ring
8. beachlorn
9. usho: fosho
10. an-ecdyte

Volume 2: Chûk

1. kes, ilu
2. rasty nasta
3. prop-ops (opportunistiks)
4. volumiffied be
5. joggince chrys
6. anthemus: nez
7. crassilicus
8. holize
9. trip-x recepticards
10. the aversionites

Volume 3: Djoggies FOREVER

1. sel, ilu
2. textbols (sleemak)
3. glomtom
4. neoskizzle
5. ler cumurj
6. itt styuff
7. whomptil gew-shaw
8. imprion day
9. iams-t
10. cadfleur: the apizmol

165. 2-Krüle 4-SkõõL

1. The In Evan Table Dee Fence Oven Vent Jewel Heir S.
2. Salad Snooper
3. Graybird
4. Exponential Death Parade ->
5. New Scratch Blues
6. Bless This Mess
7. How I’m Feeling (That Is)
8. It’s Easy on Emus (If You’re Asking)
9. Archbishop Harry Joseph Flynn
10. Bombing In
11. Rumpus for Jack?
12. Tomorrow (Was a Long Time Ago)
13. For the King

166. o

1. opine
2. o-my
3. o-for
4. Othello
5. ovation (seated)
6. o-wow
7. o-hi ->
8. o-hi (o)
9. o, o, o, O'Reilly

167. 7592

1. 7592 [img]

168. A V A N T G A R D A T A R

1. Spacious Recollection
2. I'm a Feeble Participant in This War
3. Gianmarlboro Constanton (Name Game's Namesake)
5. Ms. 14
6. D-Scape Rebels
7. Used & Abused: Retaliatory Termites
8. N.T.D.A.
9. Gar

169. America 2

1. (Have You Seen My) Perfect Pickles (?)
2. Gypsy Pickles
3. No More Pickle-Songs, Please (A Prayer Answered)
4. There's Something in the Water
5. Utopian Civilization
6. Mussels RelaXXXer (Afrosneeziak Beetneck Clamhell)
7. Wuhan Groot (On Infectious I.P.)
8. Chimes of a Canoodling Clock (Ungrandfather)
9. Bush Lied, Berries Died (On the Vine)
10. Champions of Culture
11. America 2: Disney Arabia
12. Cinica
13. Silicone Straps
14. Obama Grew Horns in the Forest
15. The Two Swords (⚔️)
16. Sunset Song
17. Rat Hatch
18. Dippin' Dots of Injustice (Rainbow Bath)
19. The Wake (Sea Foam v Funeral Home)
20. Pickle-Pilled (_____ Lied, People Died)

170. Aliens Among Us

1. Giancarlo in E or F
2. Beveled Excellence
3. Ha K
4. Pat Saves Jack
5. N-Off (Until)
6. The Day Before You Die
7. Lucien Grant
8. Gradient Dave and the Accelerator
9. Smash Burger Balloon
10. L-M (Laughter vs. Madness in the Aliensphere)

171. Album 171

1. Mickey Jackson
2. The Rip-Off
3. Gorgonzola for Them Bridegrooms
4. Bad Actor Saturday
5. Radicalz, The
6. Shin Umbilical
7. I Was a Teenage Llama Farmer
8. There Were Several Stray Chickpeas in My Venison Lasagna the Night My Mama Died
9. 171-Second Song (2:51)

172. Bagels

1. Plain
2. Everything
3. Egg
4. Salt
5. Poppy
6. Sesame
7. French Toast
8. Pumpernickel
9. Cheddar
10. Garlic
11. Rainbow
12. Onion
13. Multigrain
14. Cinnamon Raisin
15. Other

173. Baseball

1. Let's Kick Dirt (In the Top of the First)
2. What's the Second Baseman 4?
3. Strike Three!
4. Four Balls = A Walk
5. Pujols & Banks (A Grand Slam Connection)
6. Eternal Strife
7. When Rennie Stennett Went 7 for 7
8. Yogi Berra Wrote This Song
9. That's Baseball!
10. Ode to Extra Innings [Bonus Track]

174. BwjsXfBCYAI4p8z

1. This is Not an Experiment [SIDE A]
2. Song for Buttercup Dickerson [SIDE B]


1. Putting Codes in Every Song (From Now On)
2. Sky Lie / Pie Guy
3. Composition Book Static < TV Static
4. Bodies of Work, Bodies of Water
5. Sagrado
6. The Ham Snafu
7. A So-So Meh But a Top-Notch Sneer
8. Bronco Key
9. I Will Digest the Razorblades
10. ½ of a ½ of a Whole Lotta Beeswax

176. Comubama

1. Comubama
2. Networking Skills Haver #16
3. Comubamanists Unite!
4. Troubled by Hounds
5. Diminishing Returns for All the Liminal Spaces
6. Purples v Pinks (Cluster Theory)
7. I Am Comubama!
8. Microplastic Fondue Potluck
9. Resealable Bags, Reusable Lifeforms
10. Comubama 2.0

177. Wrecking Ball

1. [untitled]

178. Eating in Cemetaries

1. Came into Money
2. Can't Help But Think
3. Earworm Wasabi
4. Sovereign Squirrels Unblack
5. Inside the Aroma Dome
6. ??????? (Seven Question Marks)
7. No Fun at All

179. I Really Don't Play Guitar

180. 8

181. Urban Expression Odyssey 4

182. September 29th, 2014

183. Just... U Know.

184. Monkind

185. My Pets

186. Now

187. Nuance Ranger

188. Oh 8

189. Real Trill

190. Safe Spaces

191. Lasagna, Obama, Macaroni and Me

192. Stupid Portrait

193. TEEN

194. The Gay Science


196. Tu & Tu 2*

197. Turquoise Moon

198. Who's is My Gods

199. xlJjESUS1Ws?

200. Music of the Years: The 1800s

201. Plastic Snacks

202. Owl Songs for Insomniacs

203. Anger is an Energy

204. Yiuba Kius

205. The Bark Album

206. Auxiliary Artist

207. Taurus

208. Wreck

209. Cascade

210. Deli

211. American Movement

212. Grace

213. Screenshot

214. Taurus 2: Taur Harder

215. Itchy Kids and the Infectionhead

216. Circus Holiday

217. Eat More Suicide

218. Canvas

219. It's Nominal Just to Have Been Honored

220. Vernon

221. 666.2

222. Buffalo

223. The King of Leons

224. Less Than

225. Progress

226. Zap Your Dead

227. Tommy Lasortof

228. A Fire Burning Too Bright

229. 5715

230. Ability

231. You're Distracting Me

232. Horror and Delight

233. Binary Baby

234. Spacial Awareness

235. Open Air

236. Welcome to Paradise

237. Achu, Picchu?

238. Dubai City Nights

239. Samba Popper's Something Something Else

240. EHND

241. Kklamp

242. Dubai City Nights 2

243. Church Spire Blues

244. Kurb Kokaine

245. Life of a Ghost

246. ABUT

247. Holoclean/Digital Scrubbing

248. Cov(e)

249. Please Please Me

250. September 13th, 2011

251. Nova Scotia 3

252. Sea, Also

253. Watch the Ottoman

254. Computer Songs

255. Data Winds

256. HD ADHD

257. Andy Alomar

258. Join

259. Air Force Hair

260. Josh Lyman

261. Hellmann's Anthems

262. Living Life

263. Frozzen Pizza

264. B-Strong

265. Grind Play

266. Inside-Out Piano

267. Khaki Action

268. Animal God of the Streets

269. Meet Your Maker

270. Conceptual Impressions, Vol. I & II*

Advanced Fresh

And So Perfect

271. Unnamed

272. That Signature Sound

273. Inside Punks Dream of Astronaut

274. Barter Heard

275. Bears Cannot Die Casually

276. Severed Crest

277. Bible Stability

278. Bible Stability 2

279. I Am Not Me Anymore

280. The Pink Box (2:27)

281. Die Beat

282. Headspace

283. Give

284. Soulman Garfunkel

285. Derek Jeter: The Album

286. Slavethief

287. Exclusive


289. Black Astronaut

290. Far Future

291. Mock


293. Fistnote

294. Don't Do Anything

295. Ion U

296. I Don't Know Why I Come Here

297. Databurst


299. Human Beast Thing

300. Cinderella Variations*










301. Black FLA

302. Employment

303. MPM

304. Stress

305. Dreamer Gosh

306. Organ Meat

307. Songs for Frank

308. Grave

309. Frumzt


311. Deep Jazz, Twisted Apathy

312. A Haitian Crow

313. Rockupine

314. Boundless Hope

315. Beautiful Thing

316. Anger Manga

317. The Reasons

1. The Reasons ✨
2. You're not writing 🎶
3. The lie of just 1️⃣: medically
4. The 🧠 is changed, instantly
5. Life (in a 📦) is too beautiful 😻
6. Think of kids / 🗿 (be there)
7. The jitterbugs 🐛 vs. 🕯️(go[o]dfolk)
8. Depression & anxiety:☝️
9. I see so much good (💯x😊)
10. 🥇 Day, 🕐 Day, 🐪 Day
11. (✨) The Path 2 purity!

318. What is This Life?

319. Simple Sentences

320. Jon & Kate Plus 8 - Season 4: The Album

1. Boys Day Out
2. Girls Day Out
3. Gosselin Family Movie Night

4. Sextuplets Turn 4!
5. Korean Dinner
6. Embarrassing & Favorite Moments
7. Sunny Day
8. All Aboard
9. Heading South
10. Wild Horses

11. Beach Trip
12. July 4th Celebrations
13. Kate's Labor Day
14. Backyard Campout
15. Sight and Sound
16. More Viewer F.A.Q.
17. Picture Perfect
18. Mr. Mom
19. Back to School
20. Baseball Game with Daddy

21. Hawaii, Here We Come
22. Legos & Safaris
23. Leis & Luaus
24. For Better or Worse
25. Yard Sale
26. It's a Book!
27. Twins Are Mommy For a Day
28. Giving Back
29. Soup and a Surprise
30. All Smiles

31. All You Wanted to Know
32. The New House
33. The Big Move
34. Walk in the Woods
35. Home Sweet Home
36. Puppies!
37. Bye Old House
38. Trip to the Vet
39. Slopes, Sleds, and Sesame
40. B-Ball & More
41. Family Outing

321. Dharmachakra

322. The Cyrillic Script

323. Nü Communiqueue

324. Most Repellant Systems

325. Art Unearthed

326. Instant Muse Potential

327. Recounting Inbred Epiphenomenalism

328. Dim Shrine

329. Soundsports

330. Ken & Will

331. ISO a Place w/o Winter or Night, or: Midday Autumn Forevers

332. Block Hawk Quote

333. Lemon Blacks

334. The Goodbyes Bible: Songs for People Who Can't Let Go

335. Miami Sound Mashugana

336. The Unintelligent Are Not Depressed ∴ The Unintelligent Are Smart

337. Cocaine & Carpaccio

338. Amber Waits for Green

339. You'll Never Believe Who I Saw at the Store Today

340. Furnace Hemingway

341. Let¹s

342. My Surgically Repaired Right Needs

343. There's a Life in Here Somewhere

344. A Sky That's Only Rainbows

345. Mi Amor, More Aioli for My Homies, Por Favor?

346. Designer Goat Ghosts


348. Italian Idiot

349. City Morgue Love

350. #TunaGang

351. Foxhole Monkeys

352. CGI Beast Men

353. Relief is the Drawback

354. Creative Nonfiction

355. Certain Bursts of Color

356. Jackknife Slope

357. Animals in Tech

358. Buffet Upskirt

359. *Items Not to Scale

360. Tantric Man Tingle

361. Harmless, Homeless & Proud

362. Shorthorn

363. Negative Noodle Review

364. Cybersex Sneeze

365. The 21st Century


367. Chimpotent's Age of Chimpotence


369.Alkla Dubarry: Street of Vines


371. I Knew I Was Poisoning Myself (And I Did It Anyway): A Memoir

372. Seminal Brevity 2: Chet's Ghost

373. Hand


375. Texas Hill Country

376. Lie Yr Way Thru Life

377. Ancillary Oxen

378. Short-Faced Bear & Angry (Young) Man

379. What Gives

380. Angel, Hare, Pasta

381. Dim, Nicked, Doubting

382. Extinct in the Wild / Extinct in a While *

383. EarthWad

384. Endangered Animal


386. Goof Samasthiti presents: My Otter Sympathy and Cheetahs Condolences *

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

Part V

387. ok

388. Earth Society

389. The Man (Behind the Curtains)

390. German Dining Options

391. This American Life

392. Ill-Fated Riddles of the Gratisphere

393. Then Before Now Once More

394. Songs: Ohiowa

395. Ahem Spring

396. 2020

397. AWKY

398. ˙ *

399.The IKEA Heptalogy *

400. Barely Legal: 18 Experimental Albums for Mainstream Baby Boys *

1. ησмα∂ι¢ нαємσgℓσвιη

2. Get It While It's Hot

3. Majestic

4. Peacock Summer

5. $1000

6. Timidity

7. Lucksadness

8. Hi Trees

9. Unverified

10. Waves

11. The One That Golfed Away

12. $1000 Part II

13. 12

14. 12.1

15. On the Right Track

16. Perfect City

17. Now I Will Believe

18. Max Rèsdefault: Verified Creep

401. ˚§˚

402. C

403. Z_aureruw490fu3g8u34w

404. End of Tea

405. Dusseldorf Orca

406. What's On Either Side of the Screen is Scary to See

407. That Feeling Like Anything is Possible

408. Dollar Bazaar.

409. Here & Know

410. 669

411. A Man of Memories

412. A Washington State

413. Khaki Action

414. California

415. Dynamics of Flight

416. Anna 42

417. Best Friends


419. Think Outside

420. Shika


422. Data Don't Wait for No Gravity Grave.

423. Future, Give Way to the Present

424. Putrid Immunity Silo

425. This Could Be You

426. War Musk

427. But It Was Only Love

428. The Sherrif

429. Sherrif Chaos Theory

430. Centipede Killing a Cockroach

431. The Thwarted (Neurotic)

432. 🌀RANGE (not blue)

433. $andwich $cam, Vol. 1: Look & Vol. 2: Scream *

434. Dream Epidemic

435. Emergency Imagination

436. 2 Free (2 B ME)

437. American Window Warrior

438. What Can Be Defeated

439. Window Screen

440. LiquidPig

441. 3 Deaths in Phoenixville

442. Tappir Fight: Jon vs. Jake

443. 2.7mi away

444. 🀫

445. A Giant Toilet in a Beautiful Field

446. Dead Rat Vibes

447. ꟼA

448. 12:45

449. Another Level

450. 66 Days *

This is What You Are Now


Image Isn't Everything

Paper or Plastic or Painless/Early Death

Comp Ann, Young Peace

Placate 2 Desire

451. Art is Everywhere


453. The Unfinished Spine

454. The Search for Jazz

455. Art, Not Food!

456. Suddenly Alarming


458. Emotional Trilogy: anger, joy & mystery *

459. Blue Control

460. Whiteness Vanishing

461. High Gravity Online Content

462. TR1N1TY_1

463. Cash Supply (by Alien Ginsberg)

464. Omar, Galen, Susan & Anthony

465. Abing

466. 8Ɩ.00.00

467. content

468. The Eatless

469. Big Bite

470. Big Data Dad Parade

471. Sisyphys

472. Tilted

473. Portable Network Graphics Image

474. Hopscotch in a Sinkhole

475. A Pandemic of Misinformation

476. Cackling Anagrams

477. 23 Warriors

478. Negative State

479. 102-103

480. Whatever

481. Where the Wave Takes Us

482. Humans Possum Frog

483. Amber

484. The AB Singal

485. Ray Liota


487. Fuck Words: Embrace Sound

488. Going Down

489. Crackpot Conformity in Abyssinian Fields

490. 7

491. Beware of the Dog

492. In 3037

493. It's Better 2B Hungry Than Full of Food

494. Sky Blue Mushroom

495. Carnival of the Cornea

496. "CELES"

497. Burn

498. 17

499. ◣ ◢

500. Cukes

501. An Owl

502. Bundle Up

503. Ceea Dac Badca

504. Death

505. බුදු පිලිම කළු ගල් කුලකින් නෙලා ඇති අයුරු

506. Think Outside / The Box

507. The Whoop

508. Sushi

509. AinkchilotcladaiztTphp Fanzstekmall, Part VI

510. Nickleback

511. President

512. Vile Machines

513. Thru Screens...

514. Kind of a Nice Vibe

515. 太: Lullabies for a Lobster

516. Infinity Exposed!

517. Jack Japan Rides the Red Dot

518. Cyprinus Carpio

519. iJungle

520. Corporate Igloo

521. Blue Gash

522. 0505

523. The 23rd Lion

524. Peese

525. The Last Thing You Buy

526. PIMP

527. H2MIIA

528. Intersection

529. Window on the Edge

530. Ǝ

531. Autobiography

532. Sick Mickey Mantle

533. Toilet

534. My Devices Are in ©ontrol

535. my

536. The Drop

537. 𝑛th Aesthetic


539. SQHQ *








540. 1332

541. CNN Money

542. Pizza Puppies (s/t 1)

543. Talking Heads: 77

544. The Whole Thing

545. Erase Yourself

546. Joe

547. NF

548. Ultra

549. Leaning CD Tower of Kumkuma

550. N

551. Big Black

552. Fog Walker


554. 0:27

555. Undefeated at Life

556. Zion is in Kansas

557. Pre/amble

558. Space Monkey Mafia

559. The Virtual World

560. Urban Myth

561. No Surviving Flags

562. Millions of Decaliters of Lubbock, TX Lady Blood

563. Shadoe

564. The Porsche of Nightmares

565. Y: The Chromosome Conundrum

566. Apps

567. Good Doggy

568. Night Moves


570. MONDO

571. 140

572. Cupid's Tumor

573. Nuke Jersey

574. The Nothingness Horizon

575. The Tree

576. Grading on an Earth Curve

577. Cruelty


579. Afterparty for Fossil Fuls

580. Pantyologist

581. C'est Magnifique!

582. Minnamakism

583. Ego Ghost

584. LUXOR

585. 110 LP

586. Paz Power Jackpot

587. Bicker Street

588. There is No God in America

589. XXX Tapeworms

590. The Manta Ray

591. The Disease Grows Against the Angle

592. Event: De†h

593. Go Go Go

594. Light Ghost, Dark Ghost

595. My Stuff

596. 596 We Need Not Worry About Richard McBeef by Richard McBeef

597. Yiddle Me This

598. Cucumber on Eyes

599. Gorbz: Change the Narrative, Change the Game

600. Mr. Saiga's Baker Dozen *

01 Mr. Saiga

02 Star

03 Blue

04 Power Pop

05 Pink Pep

06 Favicon

07 FDA

08 Opinions

09 Header

10 $

11 My

12 Live

13 Сайгак

601. Before the End of the World

602. Doggy

603. glo

604. I Want to be Your Computer 1

605. Nothing There

606. Primal Urge Therapy

607. Taurine Famine

608. U

609. Sleep Romancer

610. I Want to be Your Computer 2

611. 100% 1E

612. Are Star

613. New Human Love

614. sdfjdsfjisgkjslafg

615. We Do the Dream

616. Wokeem Boodbine

617. JB51

618. DIY Scuttlebutt

619. Fly on the Eye of a Dead Bird

620. Men in Suits

621. Another Good Hair Day: Songs for the False Apocalypse


623. Picture of a Picture of a Screen

624. See World

625. The Great Thinking Rescinded

626. Y and Nothing

627. Title XLII

628. Teflon President

629. Pineapples

630. Half Unclear

631. Church of the Inverted

632. Common Beasts *

Volume I

Volume II

Volume III

Volume IV

633. Divinity Grit

634. Fats Skinny

635. Human History

636. Electric (by Duplicative Forest)

637. Bananananny

638. Ballads for a Literary Agent Flummoxed by a Wawa Touch Screen

639. Mega Ryan

640. Dave Brown, Baseball

641. NO Regrets

642. Pastry Freak: Saturated Holocaust in the Acai Bush

643. What We Want from Art

644. Lady in Dog (In Mexico)

645. A Dog is Not a Cat is Not Man's Best Friend Cannot Stand to Look You in the Eyes of a Mirror.

646. Megacollapse

647. Night Twist

648. Twice Leveled

649. Sufferart

650. 1 World

651. O: I am not just another page in your book.

652. Taxi Morbid

653. Utility Hilt

654. Untitled Project

655. The Songwriter

656. Emotional Animals

657. Z Dog Chen

658. Lock Martin

659. Happy Llama, Sad Llama


661. Double Time

662. Before, There Was Only War

663. Animal Ways

664. I Am The Doctor, The Patient, The Cure

665. Lung (1)

666. The 6th Man

667. Noy

668. Now / Not Now *

669. Roti

670. Serena Swirl

671. Fan Do

672. KmartKore

673. I Need To

674. January 23, 2109 @ 8.07pm (Alien Contact)

675. Maiden Arguments

676. BNJ

677. Give Yourself a Hand

678. Maximalist in Digital Space

679. Effigy Dye

680. NEO

681. Brother JB


683. Polonium

684. Where I Was When I Was Where

685. The 13th Round

686. Output

687. Eating the Beets

688. Girl-on-Girl Crime



691. Dugazon

692. Man of Compromise

693. Pillar of Fear

694. The Baum

695. Food

696. Tet Ra Gram Ma Ton

697. Yucatán Cool?

698. APEX (of Human Suffering)

699. Truly Truly Useless


701. Food 2

702. NF (by The JHE)

703. 10-16

704. C-Level Dystopia


706. Tubba Nenk

707. The Alternative Alternative Right is Not Right (Nor Alternative)


709. Shirt Supply

710. D- Destiny

711. Fill My Heart with Arby's

712. Heightened Expectainment

713. Japanese Industrial

714. Independent Ideas


716. Fiscal Paris Lovefest: Live '84

717. Why Would God Eat Bread?

718. Tomohiro Kato

719. EE

720. Dashcam on a Kill Car

721. Enter Heaven

722. Crave Atheist


724. The Horror

725. The Beige Book


727. Bald Eagle (by Bananananny)

728. 100 Fables for an Ableist Slave

729. Dik Bigger Than Mt. Rushmore

730. Lo-Fi Digital Recordings

731. No Context Needed

732. Cool and Warm


734. All Poetry

735. Your Only Limit is You

736. TCR

737. Shipwrecked in Vermont

738. Cloud of Skin


740. YYD

741. Lum

742. Meganahu

743. Dot Warrior

744. 22,12

745. Gluten Coil

746. Slampig Controversy

747. Subskimmersmen


749. Cactiv *





750. Stopgap Helvetica

751. 2W0

752. Milennial Mac & The Jumping Conclusions

753. Ebeo Riet Emeth Hpiti

754. Cohabitation

755. Happy as a Clam Inside the Mind of Pigs in Mud

756. Make a Circle

757. Baller's Prison / Player's Beacon *

758. Aji

759. Home

760. Science 101

761. Crop Circle Haircut

762. Gas Giant

763. Gorgonzola Ram Cheese: The Collected Works of Gorbac Rampling, Vol. I & II *

764. Innocence

765. Eli Crapple

766. United We Pull

767. A K is 2 V's

768. Leaf-Footed Bug

769. M1A

770. The Body as Interrogation

771. solid gold

772. The Day of New Horizons

773. WWMN

774. HFMD *





775. Laissez-Faire TRAPitalism

776. SOT


778. The King of Pots and Pans

779. Timing is Everything

780. mb (mowel bovement)

781. Linda

782. on cloud nine

783. Jour

784. Safe Passage

785. Thinking Global, Writing Local

786. Hella Meta Ponderosa

787. iSlef

788. Mystic Mercy

789. Title 8

790. When is an Attack a Hate Crime and When is It Terrorism?


792. It's a Long Story

793. Double Loop Learning

794. Lindsay Glohand

795. Perfect

796. The Big Bucks

797. SMY/Y *

Strip Mall Yin

Strip Mall Yang

798. Tomorrow Zorning

799. T

800. Da€€••€3€4_4'"*🕊️ TRILOGY

Business Casuality

U Got THis

The Bird Hunters

801. Meaninglessness

802. The Something Album

803. Kissi Kissi Kasserole

804. LJCM

805. Fornication Frowns

806. B+ Baby

807. St. Sergio

808. Pharmlife

809. Content-Aware

810. Output Process

811. Unctitled

812. Severe Serenity: My Own Prison 2

813. Selfless & Ablebodied

814. Florigone

815. Melinda's Avocado

816. PHOTOHP: High Performance

817. Shindig

818. Shinjuka: You Can't Hide Away Your Face Your Face

819. Hyperreality

820. Listen Down

821. Eggplant West

822. Position • Margin • Border • Padding

823. The Organism

824. X

825. Garbage Shepherd


827. LEMUR

828. No Time Like the Present

829. recurrence.slasher.tapeworms

830. Montana

831. Montanaa

832. Montanaaa


834. Girard Ave.

835. Less Than

836. NI4NI

837. Needy Goo

838. Progress

839. Serious (by Big Jesus M)

840. Googly

841. For Ancient Suicide Tomorrow

842. Drip

843. Greetings from Goosetown

844. Mississippi Mindset

845. Ranis

846. Gallery Boy

847. Go to Work

848. Energy Force

849. Last of the Do-Nothing Days

850. Mosh with Me

851. im good with water i have

852. Jefk Klimchin

853. Murdered Popes



856. Fids

857. Rise and Grind

858. Dr. Meat

859. Dope, Fence Me In

860. Deac

861. Look Like a J

862. Natural Bridges National Monument

863. Ckkubbgyyyghjiuu: Perfect visions of the past

864. MFF

865. PMSCC

866. Transient Fantasies First

867. N E V ∃ Я

868. This is It This is the End.jpg

869. The Horse

870. Wifelord

871. Bread n' Fishes

872. H: Please Don't Put Me in a Box

873. If God

874. Locked Love

875. iStar

876. Meditation Processes Meditation

877. Hugh Yule's Mule Glue


879. Starving 4 So Much

880. Fish Farmer

881. Songs of Yahoo!'s Youngest CEO Ever

882. Honey Children Don't Go on Vacations

883. Waspove Wawowffs

884. Sigil

885. Cyinmede

886. HMNGO

887. I'd Do Anything

888. Insert Special Characters

889. Fishtown Charles

890. Nis


892. Me 3

893. Cherry

894. Forged Play

895. Dreamer in a Fractured World

896. hi

897. La Pence

898. NJ

899. NYM

900. Doth the Mackerel Knead Its Joy? *

901. Rich Boy

902. Dah

903. Only Web Colors

904. Ross Power

905. The Pain and Anguish of Living Like a Narcissist

906. Walk

907. Perverted People So What

908. Nezahualpilli

909. No More FM (Stay Hungry)

910. Xenia

911. God 2

912. No Drilling

913. PWRS

914. Sexual Healing

915. Hornet

916. How to Bottle Optimism

917. Meatyboy

918. 100% SHOT

919. Hot Jam!

919. Lucia

921. Two Birds (Of Indeterminate Sizes)

922. Cone

923. Linguistic Lawnmower

924. I'm Fine

925. Nomic

926. RAW

927. Sap

928. Trappist 1 Lord: Star v Sun

929. Kenny Login

930. Avi S

931. For All That is Holy is Blatantly False

932. Just Press Play 2

933. NJMVC

934. Howdy?

935. FZ

936. Comasiesta

937. Best Buds

938. My Long Lost Twin

939. Something's Not Right

940. Solipsistic Ensalada Lava Lassies

941. Tarpon Moonbeam

942. Copy

943. Fun Period

944. Enrique's Biomedical Beach

945. I Could Live in Lubbock, Texas

946. Meeq

947. Peacefire

948. Bob and Bri

949. Total Control

950. The Best

951. It's Not Unusual But Sometimes It IS Unusual

952. Jesus is King

953. Raiqwon O'Neal Halloween 2020

954. KO'd

955. Peace

956. Tales of a Fetus Junkie

957. We'll Eclipse Covfefe

958. United States 1-2 *

959. Finding the Eternal Truth in a Sea of Insignificant Things

960. Fractured Massacre

961. JVG

962. I Can't Sleep

963. Minnesota Peacock Nightmare Screw

964. Making a Splash

965. Cult of the Alpha Beta Baristas

966. Chelpco

967. The Worst Bedroom Position for Guys Who Lack Inches

968. Lettuce Eater Heyday

969. HELP?

970. Fortytude

971. Ulabrand

972. HUMP

973. 4.9.2016

974. Give

975. Hyome is Vhere Ze Hjeart Is

976. Beautiful Boy: No Goats

977. RBWW

978. RBG *

979. Ligulate


981. ꟼAZ

982. NullAddress

983. I Feel Like This Light is Indicative of a Trick in My Life

984. In Dunkirk... Again

985. Bebop Slaughter (Fertile Truancy)

986. Metal Water

987. Shame

988. Fuckcloud

989. Human Cumin Tombstone

990. Qeii

991. Re-Dis / Tribute: 8

992. nudi-B

993. Nifs

994. Cartoon Allergy

995. The Ballad of horseluvr47 & Decoy


997. Oh No, This is Really Bad


999. The Owl

1000. The Muted Flesh Trilogy *




1001. Capitalism of the Stomach

1002. 88 Modern Constellations

1003. KRA


1005. Maud Rise Polynya, Antarctica

1006. Try Yr Best

1007. When Easter Feels Like Leap Year

1008. Sun God 6

1009. Kropotkinskaya

1010. The 2 Genders: Rabbit & Hercules

1011. Devils Brook/Shalllows Brook

1012. I'll Start Tomorrow

1013. Post-Hippy

1014. The Desert Pope Insect Chronicles

1015. Decisionist

1016. Idiotworld

1017. Meme Gap

1018. The Pizza Puppies (s/t 2)

1019. Maine


1021. Visually Similar Images



1024. PBI

1025. Harambe Clowncore

1026. BLiXT

1027. Uprise

1028. The Perils

1029. Death Comes to Us All...


1031. DJDS

1032. Obliterate IKEA

1033. Underwater Chess

1034. Conundog

1035. The End of Civilization

1036. SSB

1037. Get Rich Quick!

1038. In Death, The Weird Are Awarded (by Emoji Dojo)


1040. Oxic

1041. From the Top to the Bottom

1042. Distraction Cone

1043. Help Me

1044. In Sun

1045. Hiz

1046. Don't Wonder What It's Gonna Be Like Tomorrow

1047. Polly the Dissector

1048. Passion Play

1049. Americaniacs

1050. The Duology of Three *



1051. Gangrene at the Sock Hop

1052. Cut Lass

1053. DLH

1054. Monic

1055. Soupy Phalanx

1056. Yucca Slobs & Us

1057. Voof

1058. iText: Sacksatchewan


1060. SCUD • X

1061. No Dawn 4 Nü Horizon

1062. Harpers Xing

1063. New Law

1064. Gangsta Rap

1065. Welcome to the Glyphostate

1066. Spica

1067. AANH

1068. 12:20

1069. Strawberry Leopard: End Police Brutality

1070. The Good Life

1071. What's the Big Idea?

1072. We R Done

1073. What?

1074. Concert

1075. OTiS LiON

1076. Watching You Watching Me Watching Me

1077. Vape News

1078. The Life of No Habla Humano

1079. Songs for a Toilet Bowl at the Graveyard

1080. ME, ME


1082. Solar Glom


1084. Mittenz Rome

1085. The Pizza Puppies (s/t 3)

1086. LiTTLE

1087. SjX

1088. You're Distracting Me

1089. The Golden Age of Extroverts

1090. Jones Tachoné

1091. My Dog

1092. Across the Nation

1093. MAGS

1094. Rimy

1095. Some Resplendent Creature

1096. Sac

1097. Music from the Ether

1098. flaming2

1099. Pity

1100. I Tried / My Best

1101. Pig

1102. Sky Blue Mushroom

1103. Mufs

1104. ICE

1105. Pleased Manceist: Getting Back in the Game.

1106. On the Brink of Something

1107. Somebody Somewhere Hates You So What

1108. Hang in There

1109. The Seed of Cheese Panther

1110. Whisper of the Heart

1111. 11118

1112. Yon

1113. Victomhood Eclipse

1114. Hell on Earth

1115. URL Horizon

1116. TWINS

1117. God is Muzick (by Great Whites)

1118. ᴛɪᴍ∃

1119. Crinkly Aperture

1120. Nobodys Nephew

1121. Wince 2

1122. U-hud-hee-her-gu

1123. T-Boned in Trenton

1124. En Manic

1125. Mystery of the BTS Grammy Lumberjack Model

1126. Social Media Blackout

1127. ᴛɪᴍ∃ 2

1128. Men Against Time

1129. Alive in the Time of the MSM

1130. New Mammals!

1131. Y-TRYRT-Y

1132. There has to be another way

1133. Thanks


1135. Canon (by Expectant Parents)

1136. HBD

1137. Scientists

1138. The Father, Son and Holy Ghost

1139. That that is is that that is not is not is that it it is

1140. Black Cyber

1141. 77

1142. Video X

1143. The Box

1144. Pseudopanther

1145. Postmodern Culture Jamming

1146. Dinostrife

1147. CYA Silver/Gold AF

1148. Making Art

1149. Rus

1150. Victimhood

1151. Retro Death Bro

1152. me (i'm perfect)

1153. Litter Dead

1154. Katie Holmes!

1155. I Have Only Myself to Blame

1156. Infinity Symbol presents Ellipses and Then What: Seriously Considering Possibly Becoming Enlightened

1157. Now Again

1158. Places

1159. Toyota Loincloth

1160. Monowave Amore

1161. Ingest Egypt

1162. The Struggle

1163. Pandas on the Spectrum

1164. Wyvern

1165. Wait

1166. Saying G'bye

1167. SHOBA

1168. That's Awesome and Now What?

1169. Fall in Line

1170. Supine and Prone

1171. Peenanoman

1172. Metromax

1173. Plit

1174. Urb Contempo