I'll peel back the curtain here, for a moment, to say that this record was not supposed to exist in this way (and same goes for the Trilogy that follows it chronologically in the discog). Inspired by the works of Negativland (especially their recent masterpiece, 2019's True False), Tom Scharpling's Best Show sound collages, and the Twitter vids of Vic Berger, The Pizza Puppies, in conjucture with SkyKid (of everydaysongz.com fame), sought to do a little culture-jamming of their own. The Everyday Songz Project for the year 2020 would seek to incorporate elements of media––often political, but not always––and turn them upsides down through the majesty of "song" and "art," oh what a noble pursuit! At first, things were going swimmingly. 2020 being an election year (remember that??), there seemed to be a non-stop flow of maddening sound bytes and stab-your-eyes-out news items to satirize.
But then a little something called "The Pandemic" happened. Remember that? If you're reading this in 2037 there has probably been like 3 or 4 worse ones so I'm sure you're going "whaaaaa-waaaa, cry me a river, baby boy" but back in 2020, for this SkyKid at least, it was the absolute pits. Suffice to say, things got put on hold, aborted all together and never started. 2020 was supposed to be the year where everything got sorted, where the archives finally got up to speed, where new material (like this) collided with the hidden gems of yesteryear, but, alas... that never came to be.
So we find ourselves here, picking up the pieces, and what glorious pieces they've turned out to be 😀 A full three years were erased from a life for this music to exist, but this music (LPs #50-55) is A LOT. About 20 hours all toll, of which these nearly 120 minutes worth over the course of 99 tracks work to create an aural journey, a snapshot of America fading into crisis. This is my attempt at doing Negativland on the fly and lo-fi. Listen or watch the visual album; the choice is yours. It's just really great to be able to present that choice again. Listen/Download below...
♫ TRACKLIST – 99 TRACKS (119:26)
1. Beau Was My Soul 01:56
2. Sensory Overload 00:58
3. One Hundred Percent That Nominee 01:08
4. Do the Bailey 00:30
5. I'm Not Really Sure 00:23
6. Great Dramatic Stuff in Click Too 01:54
7. Crime 00:41
8. Dog Doughnuts in the Cul-de-Sac 01:33
9. A Little Too Hard 00:23
10. Dichotomy 03:13
11. YouTube + Rapping = No Future 00:18
12. Who Makes the Missles? 00:47
13. The Western Hemisphere Should be a Hemisphere 00:14
14. New Dishwashers 00:27
15. Societal Collapse 00:57
16. Here's the Twist 00:50
17. Ham Sandwich 00:13
18. HARK? 02:09
19. HAIM! 01:32
20. Designated Driver 00:45
21. Comedian Also 01:12
22. He Likes Rockets 00:58
23. That's Not True, OK 01:04
24. Conservative Woman 00:40
25. My Legless Question 01:21
26. There's Nothing Wrong with the Way Mike Bloomberg Touches a Dog 00:45
27. GU3 01:12
28. On the Field, Off the Field 01:32
29. The Best Part of Michael Bloomberg 01:03
30. Son of a Bitch 00:37
31. Yo Dawg 00:32
32. So Goddam Dum 01:13
33. Y (Nervous Man) 00:34
34. Turned White 04:16
35. The Definition of Smug 00:27
36. It All Just Went Right Down the Toilet 01:42
37. Pudding 02:13
38. Stunned 01:06
39. Let Me Thank the Rat 00:47
40. So Fuckin' Focused 00:49
41. Origin of Dishwasher 01:45
42. Rebuilding 00:24
43. All Good Stuff 01:03
44. Screw Our President 02:36
45. There Was a Guy 02:36
46. Mr. Jokes 00:38
47. I Put Five Dollars in Your Diaper 00:46
48. FDM 01:20
49. Bla¢k Money 00:47
50. Gungirl Goes to College 04:15
51. Best Foreign Film 01:58
52. Lose Yourself? 01:01
53. The Blakk Kommunity 00:22
54. Tortilla Chip 01:08
55. LENT 00:22
56. I Bought–I, I, I Got Them 01:14
57. Pariah (Para/Fara) 00:38
58. Indecent Exposure 00:27
59. Deathrate 01:13
60. Together We Will Get It Done 01:33
61. You Know the Thing 00:57
62. My Little Sister Valerie 01:01
63. Rabidog 01:02
64. Okay*sigh* 01:07
65. White Stuff 00:32
66. Don't Wanna Get No Virus 00:19
67. The Eyes of Fuck 00:40
68. IMAGIGINE 01:14
69. The Ballad of the Snapchat Priest 00:24
70. Do You Not Think It's Being Contained? 09:50
71. Professional 01:36
72. I Will Eat My Neighbors 00:59
73. Torture is Torture 02:00
74. Dick Kovadick 00:29
75. Gibberiden 01:52
76. Gatormelon 00:29
77. The Regular Folk in Brown County 00:46
78. Indian CoronaCop 00:48
79. I Call You Don 01:55
80. 6.6 Million 01:15
81. HydroxychloroquiFTW 00:23
82. Male Inn Voting 01:30
83. Those Poor People 00:57
84. I Like Police Academy 01:15
85. Second Fiddle 00:26
86. More to Life Than Living 01:50
87. PizzaRat! 00:48
88. Bridge Liquidity 01:12
89. PizzaTosser! 02:08
90. Drives Me Crazy 00:29
91. Hey Creators 00:59
92. Reluctantly Aroused 00:54
93. For Those Who Try to Say You're Morons 00:13
94. The Royal Clap 00:24
95. A Good Youknowhat 00:51
96. Meat in Massachusetts 01:31
97. (elsewhere on planet earth) 02:07
98. Ameriga 00:54
99. In the USA (Song for the 4th of July) 01:51