   K E Y:  ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video;  = highly recommended content

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Gonna walk my dog, do the dishes then back to work for me! I find it so hard to focus sometimes. I just need to get 'caught up' but the state of 'caught up'-ness I desire seems fictional? Wassup with that? I find these weird rabbitholes of micro-obsessions that last 20-200min some days. It's truly horrible.

No podcasts today. Just text. Some shrimp content as well.
FWIW, I am working shirtless today FYI TBH (TMI).
Qigong seems very good. I have struggled with a straight-up meditation routine, but I just did a 10-minute quigong session via YouTube instruction and felt focused while doing so, and more relaxed afterwards.
Human Story 3 IS the long-awaited 'sequel'^ to Far Side Virtual, tonally at least. You hear the same synthetic bleep-bloop and cheesed-out synth-vox smattered throughout. That––imo––it's not so instantly gratifying probably means it might be better. These are ADVANCED tunes, my friends. I'm still wrapping my head around it after one listen.
06.15.16 | Wednesday | 9:22:45 AM EST | Just added to the fake song database: "Pig Disco"

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

We’re looking for the image with the dinosaurs. Do you have that one you could share?
Gonna become a fan of this new Las Vegas hockey team. Hopes/prayers for a good logo and all-around visual aesthetic. I also want to get into WWE. I want so much.
I do miss Twitter sometimes. Just being honest here.
Someone should do a supercut of all the audio of Van Gundy shitting on Anderson Varejão this post-season.


UPDATE (to this post): Kohl's was closed. Indeed it was. That particular K-Store––Nassau Park, just outside out of Princeton, New Jersey, on route 1––is going out of biz but maybe the whole franchise is going under? It had been my opinion that the Big K was thriving but I don't know shit about business. So what did I do? I went to the dreaded Target. I hate Target for reasons I won't get into here, just know they are myriad and worthy. But they had Levi's, AKA the only brand jeans I buy. I also got a pair of Mossimo brand shorts that I am pretty sure are swim trunks (there is no cool word for "bathing suit"). Apparently Mossimo is owned by Target or something? IDFK. They cost $12.99. I also got some other shit: a tiny football, paper plates, etc. I love capitalism. I love it.
I am an American. Today is flag day. Welcome to my Canadian website.

Monday, June 13, 2016

So… apparently kohls closes at 7pm? More on this story as it develops.
Jeff Van Gundy hates Anderson Varejão. It's pretty funny.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Friday, June 10, 2016

UPDATE (to this post): At some point this week, the new design was being used but now it's back again. Get your shit together Y! Sports! Damn.

5th & Girard

Feels like I either have too many podcasts to listen to or none at all. 

Thursday, June 9, 2016

"Justin Bieber Fist Fight Live Blog" (sorry)
Think I look better with one eye tbh. [Source.]

What is this?

Should I do anything with this?

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Wednesday, June 8, 2016


Just discovered this website cincopa.com and it seems pretty legit. You can make decent embeddable image sliders with the IMPACT font and there isn't even any branding/linking in the embed codes. Trying to find the catch but, all things considered, I like it!
New (old) jams available for your ears over heres.

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Best friends

Don't mess with this crew. More interpretations of this wonderful photograph here and here.


Love connecting on the internet.
Taking a serendip in the pools of what YouTube suggest I watch next.

Download the Anger Dwells EP

Click the negative mugger.

How the sausage get made. . .

Monday, June 6, 2016

A new look

I'm just taking it for a test drive.
Most people don't know that their original band name was Earth, Wing or Tire? and all of their songs were about the different ways people get around (by foot, plane or car/bike, etc). Just a fun fact, that's all.

I wanna make a micro-fuss about all you do
There ain't nothing too small to stick glue
To and go froth all about the mouth with a
Glee so unusual and serene it has to wither

New Age Bloggin'™ is the new sosh netty is the old social media. Mark my words. For they are truth. Trooof. I feel in a daze. My days are #'d. Maybe? I had a cheese sandwich for lunch today with a side of cheese. Then 17 Altoids. Now my breath is super fresh but my brain is super dazed. No way to live, me thinks. I love going to the mall. Wish I lived inside a handicapped bathroom at a mall but with super cozy carpets to lie on.

Facebear 🐻

Sometimes when I read "drag & drop" on a website, I think "Dragon Drop" in my head and that would be a decent band name given the circumstances. What are the 'given circumstances' you ask? Life, my man. Life.
On the bongos prevalent in Eddie Money's "Two Tickets to Paradise." - an essay

Sunday, June 5, 2016

RIP Ali.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

You can achieve your dreams. Hell, anybody can. Look at me. I'm going to a bachelor party in Morristown, NJ today. Not to brag. But I'm well-liked, well-rounded and doing swell. I can't complain. Dreams do come true. 

WORLD PREMIERE: The "Ducklings" music video is here, folks

Lead single from the forthcoming full-length LP from The Pizza Puppies (collective), FOCUs ('Ŧ๏lк' Üร).

Friday, June 3, 2016

June 3, 2016 at 01:47PM

No cigarettes on the grass, people. Come on now. You can only smoke on the pitcher's mound. However, dogs? Dog cannot smoke and/or play baseball anywhere on these premises, thank you very much.

Thursday, June 2, 2016