   K E Y:  ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video;  = highly recommended content

Friday, February 18, 2022

Confession: I don't know how to say this

 It was a long time but not that long ago

 Idea for a concept / novelty record called Enslanto... so this would be the songs of hit Lin Manuel Mirando musical kids comedy cartoon Enchanto played in the style of early of Pavement... ™©™©™© = me

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

I often think the trees can hear my thoughts 🙉⚙️

I entered a portal last night. It feels alright in here. I'll have more to report soon. Stay safe, friends 🙈

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Might be able to finish the major projects catch-up before Monday...

But even if I don't I'm 99% done and they'll be done on Monday. What a ride. I set a goal to finish these things by Valentine's and I'm gonna do it. I'm proud of myself. I can be too hard on myself but this is a great thing and I see it as a springboard for better things. There's a few other big things I want to get completed in 22 and that work starts next week! 

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Sure, if you wanna know it straight: the first thing I saw and heard — and (let's not fuck around about this) those are the two most powerful senses; if our sense were a wolfpack then you know those two duking it out to be alpha, baby — was a crow. This crow was a large menace, not a just a blackbird. And I had to pause, right there in the gravel and partly bad grass driveway, finally coming back to life with the rare 50° degrees we should be expecting today, and I had to say to myself, "no, crow, no. You will not be an omen. You are not an omen." Earlier my son said to me, "daddy, put down your phone." It was the first time he had strung all those words together. So I'll take that bird and his caw as a warning, nothing more and nothing less.