   K E Y:  ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video;  = highly recommended content

Monday, January 27, 2020


Things are going swimmingly in fact they could be much better but whatever I'm doing here is ok in its otherwise short supply and the recordings cannot be and will not be stopped; the movies and songs: ok not terribly behind, though––alas––when the month changes to dreary feb, expect the deluge that is the backlog to overwhelm, and whether or not we (I, I, I) can overcome is the proverbially big question. 2020 can't be stopped. It just morphs and throttles, shimmies and swells.

Monday, January 13, 2020

2020: The Year I Tried to be a Music Critic....

As you know, I am a WORLD CLASS film critic. This cannot be disputed.

But, I have failed as a music critic. Behold my failures AFTER THE JUMP (!)

as far as these things go, this one went ok (better than most?)

If Letterboxd is a thing u do, i am jefk on that shit - check it out ;)

UPDATE: I am not doin th'site n.e. moh... my Content™™™ is Not4FREE!!

Thursday, January 9, 2020

🍟 D⃣   I⃣   E⃣   T⃣ D⃣   A⃣   Y⃣ 2020🍟

Hola amigos. J⃣   E⃣   F⃣   F⃣here with a new 🅶🅾🅾🅳 🅰🆂🆂 🅿🅾🆂🆃.

January 9th is officially DIET DAY! What the F does that mean, you ask? Well, that is the day we (i) post our (my) Media Diet! You can see every single thing I listened to, read, & watched over the last calendar year, exclusively @ our ad-supported sister weblog vernonhowl.com

DIET DAY also means the Official H⃣   A⃣   R⃣   D⃣    L⃣   A⃣   U⃣   N⃣   C⃣   H⃣ of my new food and money blog called food-n-money.tumblr.com where I will be posting EVERYTHING I EAT and EVERYTHING I BUY/SPEND $ ON.

Wow. What. A. Day.