   K E Y:  ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video;  = highly recommended content

Monday, July 8, 2019

Love is Practice for Death

–––––if i am to become something of a local celeb(rity) then I will need to find the boot()–––––
i am here warmly
wishing to be seen as a saint
eyelash style determines your…
fixing this

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

going for a jog with a playlist of jim jarmusch / xiu xiu ftw

"Bezos's Boxes," a poem (2019)

This is hilarious to me (having a video/song removed from YouTube b/c of 'hate speech' hahaha) mostly b/c the only lyrics to the song were mostly just the title of the song ("Mom I'm Joining the KKK" + "Mom don't worry I'm gonna be OK"); there's literally no other context etc. But what's less hilarious to me is that the video I made for it is seemingly gone forever because I don't back shit up and it only existed on YouTube. I think it might have appropriated some old b&w found footage of the KKK but it might have just been totally random, who knows, now we never will :( You can still listen to the jam here.

think it was pretty fitting that these garden gloves i bought were of the worst quality imaginable and basically disintegrated after one day of use

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

not sure why this ended up in spam?

The Worst Bedroom Position for Guys Who Lack Inches would make a really great album title.

Monday, June 24, 2019

This was the 2,000th day in a row I've posted a series of images in gif form at my site www.dailygifs.club.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

(𝒾 𝒶𝓂 ) 𝐵𝑜𝒷 𝒟𝓎𝓁𝒶𝓃

Sherriff Chaos Theory Presents...

This is it.
It's finally happening.

can't recall if i shared this hilariously wrong translation for a v.m. my mom left me on google voice

threw down the gauntlet when this guy gave me negative feedback for a book i never shipped