   K E Y:  ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video;  = highly recommended content

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Almost went mad editing this ~9K-word "novella" that I just submitted to Lord Amazon for self-publishing approval, but all things considered: I'm pretty proud of this totally insane story which I wrote in a completely different style than normal; it was good to get 'out of the comfort zone (c.z.)'––as they say. *NOTE: I'm still behind a book on the weeklybooks.net proj (23 is book #15, and book #16 is due TOMORROW and… M.I.A?), but I'm getting there and committed to this nutty thing so plz b patient ;)

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Been thinking a lot about $$ lately. And thought I'd share what worked for me ;) Hope this is helpful :) #Money #GetThatMoney #StartUps #TheStartUpWay

2 unearthed tweets from 2015, tweeted a week apart, speak to a perhaps the greatest conspiracy theory of our times: (hint) It's about Islamic 🐝's

The exclusive report. After the jump.


Hey, so I wrote a thing. I tried tried tried to make this #15 on the weeklybooks.net series of STELLAR books/content but I just couldn't. It sux. But I'm putting it here because I can't delete anything. It's my greatest flaw.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

The 2018 Songs are Finished

My wildly Not-Up-to-Date web property EVERYDAYSONGZ.COM is a little closer to being Up-to-Date™ as I've just finished recording the music for LAST YEAR's batch of songs (2018). Yes yes yes, I still have to create music videos for some 500(?) of these said songs and post them on the actual site but Progress is nonetheless Progress. Carry on...

Monday, April 15, 2019


My movie review database (single paragraph length reviews to supplement my podcast reviews) is live @ the IMDB. (Right now it's only3 deep––my triple shot of reviews of Fulci's Gates of Hell Trilogy.)––updatezzz: see here