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Wednesday, March 6, 2019

The strange thought of today*** which occurred moist technically

\this morning***\
which is not to be confused with yesterday but here we are continuing

' ' M o i s t • T e c h n i c a l l y ' '
little story goes like this....

im @ the office or a pub or why (¥?) idk. and bossman1 is telling me he has a new job lined up, im 2 work w/ none-other-than RAY ROMANO. yes, this is my brain. & of course there are no details. only beer. i am 2 drink this beer if i am to be offered release. it is, a ka nun drum. 2 say THE LEAST!


Tuesday, March 5, 2019

day 1

This will be vague because it has to be. It cannot be anything other than a story of ghosts recovery. If am allowed to live, and I think that I am, then I will use these words as a sword. The death of my enemy exists in a parallel world. The entrypoint is a mirror. I am not selling anything I wouldn't buy myself (in this other place). It's deciding to do so here, now, that allows me to grow the sword from my hand /or/ learn to conjure it from sleeve in the fashion of a magician. I am committing to a final performance. Tada. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

New 2-Part Collection of Albums: Dream Epidemic / Emergency Imagination; forthcoming 2029

Monday, February 25, 2019

Here is a song i just wrote about how i am worrying about how, no matter what i do, all of the goldfish i get for my daughter will die sooner rather than later

The cashier at Pet Smart
told me she loved vanilla frappuccinos®
but that the Subway was closer
and she'd probably just go there
I told her, I agreed "those are good" I said
and that she should walk a little further
that they didn't employee pedophile spokesmen at Starbucks
but I just thought that last part

I worried about the future fish
That this was all for naught
That the future fish would also die
No matter what I bought

I went to the Dollar Tree
to buy a windup timer for my daughter
so she could measure the minutes
of her television consumption
but they didn't have that there
maybe they no longer exist
the guy in line in front of me
was a total dick

Friday, February 22, 2019

below ("After the jump"), find LYRIX from Select EverydaySongz.com Songs from this month. Enjoy!