   K E Y:  ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video;  = highly recommended content

Monday, October 8, 2018

Forgot what I was gonna right

I believe it was Alanis who said Well, life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
And life has a funny way of helping you out
Helping you out.

and I believe this because she did; I just google it and cut and pasted it. She said that.

My point is that it's all OK. It doesn't matter if you have an accident (accident could = giant condor landing on your head thinking your head was its nest and laying eggs in your hair and then having to raise multiple condor babies into adulthood, or you know just peeing your pants a little bit) or if you live the perfect dare I even say art life. There is no art. There is only life. You can wake up from a dream and just look around the room or grey nightmare world until you find another dream.

Thursday, October 4, 2018


When I think about all of the stuff (CONTENT!) I've deleted over the years, I get kinda sad. In my futile quest to 'organize everything' I must have sacrificed 𝓷 elements of art/data/writing/etc; I'm not even talking about things I've edited or recontextualized. I'm talking about shit I've straight-up trashed. It is a bummer because this new freewheelin' anything-goes spirit I've adopted in recent years (accepting the futility) would really appreciate the extra mess (I mean, the mess is already HUMONGOUS so I'm not sure why I feel this way, but––alaa––I do *sigh*)…

J • P • P • 2

Im using the FLICKR app on my Huawei phone

And loving every second of it! I'm truly one of a kind...

I re-broiled some leftover trout with my newfound squiggly friends (MUST WATCH!)

Yum Yum

†is Amazin'



when people say i am not an artist, not a "painter," please show them this, the album cover to my as yet to be titled 705th album (working title: 102-103). thank you.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018



This is a book 📚🥊it's called Sundry Boggles

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True Randomness wins (in the end)

I almost abandoned this idea before it even started.

But then I said, EFF IT. LET'S TRY AGAIN!

And sometimes you're rewarded. This movie, The Pit (1981), was the first result when I entered in the above search today. I know of this movie because it's one of the most intriguing winners on Best of the Worst that I've ever seen. Basically what I'm saying is that A) I'm done going to the gym forever now as this new home workout system is far superior, and B) I am going to try to watch 1 movie per day (or at least 1 every 2 days) via this True Randomness method. I can't wait to jump into The Pit and I can't wait to see what's waiting for me on the other side as I begin this journey!