   K E Y:  ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video;  = highly recommended content

Monday, August 6, 2018

I imagine I'll have the music videos for this bad boy finished before 2019-2023 (somewhere in there). But for now please listen and read the bonkers backstory I wrote for this release here. It would be MY pleasure if you did just that. In fact, I encourage you do so. For Lamb.

Looking good baby!!

Sunday, August 5, 2018

(1) the old version of final cut was so slow; tried using it quickly and gave up, so
(2) i just posted an incredibly dumb/boring video to the 𝕃𝕚𝕧𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕔 f.b. un-edited like (NO I DINT)

Red Soccer Balls LIVE!

Jorban Pegerson??


🔥👌  𝕗𝐚ᶰᶜ𝔂 ᗷⓐв𝔶  ☯🐚

Let's get back to A_me_rica (!¡)

August 05, 2018 at 02:56PM

Going to start using the Livesthetic page on this website. Sure why not. Check it out! Gracias my amigos!

t r a c k • o n e

Friday, August 3, 2018

I remain a visionary

Now is the time to post content. Now is the time to awaken. Now is the time to indulge ourselves in the tiny moments that make up a life we thought we were living but it turned out we weren't living a life at all.

🍺🍻#InternationalBeerDay huh?🍻🍺

Well this buds on me, think i might just drink a brooskie if u know what i mean (drink a beer) hahalol.🍻🍺
Really a huge honor for me to get the Rolling Stone cover. Wanna thank Marcusville La Champagnikins for doing the shoot. What a trip working with that guy and his team. I think I'm still drying off! #blessed

Made my 3yo daughter sing "Amber" by 311 yesterday

pretty good gag