   K E Y:  ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video;  = highly recommended content

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

It is extremely weird that Pitchfork hasn't reviewed the new Voidz record yet, Vitrue. I am guessing by week's end it will be a lead article one day, probably tomorrow? But this in and of itself is such a slight, would be a shock to me if it's much higher than a 6.0.

In other news, I made the coffee super strong this morning and I think I kinda love it? Adding to it's 'motor oil vibe' is the fact that I poured a cup after it had been brewed and sitting on the heater for close to three hours. Life is crazy sometimes, man.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Big(pig) thingsz r in the works, for me,, herein these pg's, as i full-ON devote my life to shitposting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... .......THEORETIC NOVELS/POETRYPOEM BOOKS /((WHATEVER))) All going for the hot hot price of 1k $$$ each; available here W EEKLY_A SS !!! (i'll have that shit fully updated by tomorrow, promise is as promise does but the hardwork done been had! ªªªªªhhhhhhh, they scream (oh yea000000)

my hoop (hope) is to have dat web-page active wi/th other crap than sell the URL b/c go-daddy says it actually has value ???(?)–––≠eff if i know!–––then I'll continue the site for the rest of human history under a FREE_URL. In fact, FREE URLzzz from here on out. Scrupes monay!

solid rec

I've given it my best shot

SOlved a huGe work proBlem that Had BeeN buggin' me; now... time 2 CaLL iT a D A Y !

Monday, April 2, 2018

I Knew I Was Poisoning Myself
(and I Did It Anyway)
a memoir
