   K E Y:  ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video;  = highly recommended content

Sunday, April 1, 2018

𝕱𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖓𝖈𝖊 𝖇/𝖜 𝕵𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓

Resilience Like an Artery Blocked
Tropes of a Cadaver
Pros & Cons
Consider What You Say
Tapioca Slowdance
Alien Maze
Carnivores (Under a Waterfall)
The Men from the Missing
SJW Hawk
Maiden Mercy
19 Fidgety 5
International Mailmen

🐓 Cordon Bleu Lives Matter 💙

Con-Fidence is INFUSED by just being alive

and just acknowledging that is THE THING; no need to re-dact, re-start, re-live, re-gret, or W H A T_E V E R ____insert i=mage hereeeeeeeeeee

Saturday, March 31, 2018

I've loved not being a person for as long as I REMEMBER

My memory doesn't exist. I only have each moment, unfortunately. It's this I regret. But I persist, forging a path, blazing a trail, for myself and everyone else afflicted with non-personhood. One day, together, we'll realize that tomorrow, the seventh day, was the day things really started to change.


Thursday, March 29, 2018

This is, IMO, one of my best reviews. I love being a review writer for Google™ dot com.


First name:

Last name:

By hereby clicking submit you are legally required to only attend Tool concerts IF they use the Tim "The Toolman" Taylor soundbyte mentioned in this tweet at the beginning of the show.

OK gonna watch the last 5 minutes of Top Secret! now; review forthcoming

Why being one over the limit (+1) still ='s DAY #3

This is not that interesting

but whatever, hear me out. It's freaking with my brain. The image on the left is from the embedded view Twitter feed right here on this website, and the image on the right is the actual image/tweet. I uploaded that BLANK transparent png flatscreen TV to the @skikyd twitter account yesterday, but on the embed view it has like... stuff inside it?? When I blow it up it looks like this:

Again, this is not that interesting but it is SUPER-WEIRD, right? Haunted image or some shit.

Did i post this yet ?? | ANCILLARY OXEN - album cover | i dont think i did

Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The guy who unironically (?— I mean🎈 I'm serious, what's the context) worked with smash mouth (again: no hate, but I have QUESTIONS), has a legit hot take on the new Wes Anderson film. Now, folks, I have not seen this FILM, but I plan to, and soon. And if it sucks and/or is racist I'll be the first to join the chorus, both of 'em even! And maybe they're not even mutually exclusive. I. D. K. My point being I can't imagine this is as offensive as some people would wish us to believe. That is all.