   K E Y:  ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video;  = highly recommended content

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

oh man i gotta write a song called "LOVE LOBOTOMY" yes
The things we can touch are breaking.

Jesus, I cannot get out of my own way today. Who knew drinking an entire pot of cheap coffee would turn out to be a bad idea?
whenever i feel i wanna start doing more "social media" & then i do just that, i realize how daunting and demanding that is; like, whatta time constraint ?? !! people actually do this tho it seems ... i ain't gon' quit tho; i feel like i can be a sms (social media star). just need to give it a college try etc

The solution, I feel, is almost always: MORE COFFEE

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

April 11, 2017 at 08:50AM

Kids are already saying "u got United" in the street after every fracas, dust up or melee. It's a badge of honor to be like the ✈️ 👮. Drawing blood or otherwise.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

The irony that is LCD Soundsystem transmitting a message via printing out paper (waste) to tell fans not to use their phones to relay information (not waste, at least literally) is hard to ignore. Just let people do whatever they want to do. If they can't be free to express themselves at a rock show then where can they?

Thursday, April 6, 2017


Outside, you're in a major center of all sorts of things from the great aquarium to girly shows to coffee shops to a Holocaust Memorial Park. It's a city, a big city. I wouldln't let children loose in the neighborhood, but I wouldn't hesitate to walk with them anywhere.
Part of an AIRBNB review of a place I'm going to tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

On Kenny Jenkins Pepsi Cola viral advertising forum

Look, the sad darkness is upon us. We've squandered our ability to autocorrect pity. If KJ had eloped with hair product commercial, perhaps for some forgotten brand and it ended with her washing a cop's pubic zone with the thick cleanse, then what? This is what we deserve.

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