   K E Y:  ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video;  = highly recommended content

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Another newly released gem from the archives.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: I am abandoning my Snapchat Stories 'Micro-EPs'––after producing 100 of them in 2016, I had been doing them daily to start the new year via the Snapchat handle "microepmaker" (which I never liked, as a handle). They were uninspired and generally a waste of time, considering I still had to take cut them up and post them online 'officially' (could barf just thinking about this). The only one that had any stand-alone merit (maybe) was a Micro-EP by the name of 徐霞客––translation: Xu Xiake; this was a concept piece about a real person (available at the Arar Bolera facebook if you're interested).

I won't be tossing these nine mini-things (1 Jan - 9 Jan 2017) into the damn ocean, though. I'll be combining them into a single EP proper by the name of He Who Snaps Last, Snaps Longest, which will be posted later today. Much like Instagram (droneboner69 y'all), I still want to use the platform Snapchat for subversive, anti-networking purposes. So I've registered the handle sexdingo (tbh, I'm totally shocked it was available, and I'm fairly proud of the snag).

I'm not sure what the future holds, but I am getting better at recognizing a dead horse when I see one

Monday, January 9, 2017


Also, maybe cuz y'all put it a big-ass hole through the bottom of it had something to do with this? [Source.]
I forgot the Golden Globes were on last night. I hope they were "golden" for all who watched.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

"I think Florida State is the place where Tom Brady and Peyton Manning kissed for the first time."
I guess the Steelers/Dolphins line ballooned in wake of Detroit's second half collapse? I will probably regret this tease but damn, 12 feels like way too much. Also, like yesterday, I feel like over in the early game and under in the late game are the two total plays this afternoon. Good luck!

Saturday, January 7, 2017

s/o to this dog whose polaroid picture was stuck into the window of this car


A social media platform called LandScape whose gimmick is that users can only post in landscape, moving against the trend of Snap/Insta/FB Live etc, who are all super focused on selfie 🤳 portrait mode. I think there are still cool things to do with augmented reality cellphone photography/ video outside of the user's face. Think: a field of puppies, not just making yourself look like a puppy. I am currently taking angel investors at the clip of $1/month via my Patreon or feel free to 🐌-mail me Applebee's gift cards in any amount you deem worthy. Thanks 🙏

Friday, January 6, 2017