   K E Y:  ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video;  = highly recommended content

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The 700+MB of the Garageband app is just too big, I'm sorry!

UPDATE: *ALSO* the inability to save an audio file to the iTunes/Music app inside your phone from the GB app is pretty ridiculous. You have to be connected to a computer to transfer file off your phone just so you can then drag it back onto your phone for use inside the Music app. (I am trying to create soundtracks to use for the Splice video editing app and this is a major roadblock.)

Monday, December 12, 2016

I found someone's flip-flop in Princeton NJ. Email me if you are missing a flip-flop.

Gearing up in anticipation for something else that is entirely not this

new years resolution: take more photos of my dog

I'm super-psyched to announce the opening of my new tattoo parlor, SINISTER INK. This is our official logo. We are still working on getting a cheap space to rent but for now if you want a tattoo just get a pen and draw one yourself! (If it comes off in the shower, etc., just draw another one!)

… hate that I love the Fred Armisen KFC songs so much …
In 2017, I am going to [attempt to?] make daily videos, which will eventually be featured on lifecast.info, via my phone using the app Splice. I will take, edit and upload the videos at the end of the day using nothing but my phone, my hands, my brain and the internet. This is part of a greater realization/challenge that computers are becoming obsolete and we will soon be literally doing everything we do on computers exclusively on our phones. The biggest roadblock here is of course the iPhone storage issues, which I feel like I've complained about ad nauseam.