   K E Y:  ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video;  = highly recommended content

Monday, November 7, 2016

Plotting to run my 2nd Marathon …

I ran my first marathon in Philly almost two years ago now, and I've got the bug to do another one. First thing I did was set a future month (May 2017) then I did some googling, and voila: this baby is perfect. It's the day after my b-day in a city I've never been to, and the Yanks are playing the Reds the day after the race. I am doing this. By hook or by crook.

It's a beautiful day

43 degrees and nothing but sunshine in eastern Pennsylvania, route 96N.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

This is a sick product description.

✪ H A I L _ S A T A N ✪

This is one of the funniest things I've ever seen LMFAO. [Source.]

Legit (low 🔑?) love the fake Hillary phone commercial.

WTF when did it snow ❄️ in Philadelphia?

Seriously?! Took this picture at 5:35 PM on Delaware near Yards Brewery.

as i get older, i find myself more and more comfortable w/ letting go of projects + things that seem like wastes of time / generally boring / etc etc

Some kid drew a pretty sweet chalk map of the neighborhood. S/O to the ATM. Very important landmark.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Just did a TRIFECTA BET for $1 on the next Breeder's Cup Race. I know nothing about horseracing but I took Mets Pitcher Syndergaard (6/1) to finish first (win), Not This Time (7/2) to finish second (place) and Term of Art, one of the longshots at 30/1, to finish third (show). 🐎 should be illegal. Good luck !!!

Another play to add to the card. Also have 1 UNIT on a Duke/Purdue ML Parlay.