   K E Y:  ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video;  = highly recommended content

Monday, July 25, 2016

Many people have framed pictures of me hanging on their walls (not just on mantles, side tables and other places of inferior esteem). Anyone'll tell you this.
On the human condition and other matters.
Humans born on 9/11 all gonna be having sex pretty soon. People forget that.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

It feels like when musicians get mad at politicians using their songs without permission is kind of stupid. Because just who cares? Like just say you don't care. That would make you appear cooler. Or don't say anything at all. This happens every cycle. Politician A makes Band B mad because they played Song C as intro music. It's a really tedious cycle imo. You don't really need that as a reason/excuse to say Donald Trump is bad. You can just say he's bad whenever you want. Using 30 seconds of whatever song drowned out by idiots applause/crowd noise is literally the least offensive thing he's ever done. Just my $0.02, folks. Have a nice day. 

Thursday, July 21, 2016

I have major respect for people who make Wikipedia graph-timelines for rock n' roll band-members. I'm not sure what the tiny blue and orange squares mean exactly for Dan Hawkins (did he play drums on one song live in late 2005?), but I respect the hell out of the fact that they make sense to whoever made this png. [Source.]

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Friday, July 15, 2016


R E M I N D E R:
RIP Deflategate.
Eating Tropical Skittles right now tbh. They're delicious.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

A guy playing Pokemon almost forced me to miss a train yesterday. He was catching a Pokemon right in front of a turnstile. I am not going to download or do the Pokemons game. I wish people would care more about other people / their surroundings than Pokemon but I guess that's not going to happen. I accept the Pokemon revolution. I want to create a lo-fi version of Pokemon somehow. Lingzoids (Little Things and Androids).
I have never had a goatee in all my life despite how this picture makes it appear. Believe it or not, this picture has been digitally enhanced (as they say) and it makes it seem as though I do have a goatee. I included a picture of a man with an actual goatee for reference. This man is ashamed of his face and he should be. No goats.

Cylinders, 2016.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016