   K E Y:  ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video;  = highly recommended content

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Not doing anything tonight. I wanna put an end to "Meaninglessism" but not happening now. Bare minimum tip. Riding high with a full belly.
I went to the zoo today. It's raining.
I still think there is some cool shit on Twitter and––confession time––I do go back and manually check some hot feeds from time to time. It's kind of annoying since I deleted my account because just going to a Twitter URL sort of functions differently than when you are LOGGED THE WHOLE WAY IN bro. No regrets though. I have still not mastered Zero Content 30 yet but I feel like I'm getting closer. Namaste.

Friday, May 20, 2016

The Snapchat Stories micro-EP I'm currently on is unruly in its length. There is a 0% chance the audio sync doesn't get fudged up when I export this puppy. 
I think my favorite part of paying for Spotify is how the desktop app takes seven million years to load and then barely works.
What are these word even?

Thursday, May 19, 2016

I love branding.
Shocked. Phil Mickelson always seemed so chill.
I put together this video from clips pulled off YouTube. Pretty great job if you ask me. And I am asking me. (I said "yes" btw.)
I thought Chance the Rapper had released an actual coloring book until mid-day yesterday.
re the song "Okkervil River RIP," I haven't listened yet but I am onboard whenever a band makes a song with the band's name in it. Good job. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

I think I'm finally gonna watch The Warriors. Right now! On the gym stairmaster! On my iPhone 6! Hooray!! (Semi-unrelated Note: I've always hated the IMDB website. It's really ugly and not user-friendly imo. I know people love it, but that's my take. I much prefer getting movie info on Wikipedia usually.)
If I had a Korn tribute band I would call it Kob. Don't try to do this tribute band for yourself because I will sue you.
Reactivated my "SkyKid" handle to comment at Stereogum. 'Sup.

Still from one of many new music videos I just made for The Pizza Puppies [art collective].