   K E Y:  ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video;  = highly recommended content

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Oh, I know what I forgot to mention on one of my delightful recent podcast episodes! The singer/guitarist/keyboardist on the righthand side of the stage with the beautiful hair had a bum leg and he kept saying he was sitting on a chair when it was in fact a stool (he was wrong) but he was also using crutches to get on and off the stage and this brought up a discussion with my bro about an opinion I've held dearly for years: crutches are useless. There is a time when you are essentially immobile and there is a time when you can limp around with a boot or brace or maybe just a cane. Crutches technology (Big Crutch?) is a stagnant field, my friends. Literally no one on crutches needs crutches. But that's just my 0.02¢.
Instagram rebrands with new logo mere hours after I delete my account. Coincidence?

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The name of this band is THE Pizza Puppies

Not "Pizza Puppies," sorry for the confusion but getting a lot of inquiries and need to clear this up. The membership takes this stuff very seriously. 

Dumping a bunch of rocks onto the street out here in the streets

"It's only May,"

They say. They say 
Latest edition to our list of premium FAKE SONGS: "The Pope… Business Antelope?" We here at My America Industries hope to make all of these FAKE SONGS real one day and that is a promise.