   K E Y:  ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video;  = highly recommended content

Friday, February 20, 2015

Would you look at my beautiful boy, Jon Anderson of Yes, rocking a very comfortable looking outfit on stage in Switzerland, 2003?

At least two pastoral outfit changes during the show that was eventually released officially as Live at Montreux 2003.
This is where I'm at now.

Lead track from the 1990 Brian Eno/John Cage album, Wrong Way Up.

Gif from Pussy Riot's new music video "I Can't Breathe" dedicated to Eric Garner

Wow, look at this trio of co-captains for the 2003-2004 Milwaukee Bucks! [[Source.]]

Thursday, February 19, 2015

I try to listen to this once every couple months.

There are two Nicolas Cage movies currently playing in theaters

yyyeah, never really developed a taste for Beck. the only track I’ve heard that I really liked was ‘Debra’, but even then, I think it’s kinda stupid. have never really understood the appeal, other than that if you are into dudes he’s really pretty. he gets some nice soundscapes going at times, but ugh, the, uh, ‘rapping’, or whatever it is, that was his shtick when he got huge, is not at all good rapping. [Source.]
The forms of the song are really wild. And he's super-good at chaining together really sort of disparate sections and elements in a way that you don't even notice it when you listen to the track.
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