some say it's jsut a blog
some say it's the e-quivalent of a jack pollick painting (spaltters)
but i'm not sure
i think its something more than that combines
You Can't Just Do Anything And Call It Art... But... Maybe You Can?
––The Artist's Mantra
some say it's jsut a blog
but beflore i was Born, I was an idea
my being born was art
and it flowed out into the world like water, just like blogging
some say it's jsut a blog
some say a lot and some say a little
i'm not a poet and never once strived or claimed 2 be
its' not my problen
some say it's jsut a blog
i don' t want slopC to bcome a rallying cry
for the... you know whats its
that was not my intentiojn
some say it's jsut a blog
and i;ll keep on creating
it's the only thing i know i am good at
even if thing i create, ARENT SO:)
rip. SLOP CITY :(((