Now this is an album I need to make. The people deserve it.
K E Y: ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video; † = highly recommended content
Sunday, August 7, 2016
Why must my face have fur?
My face fur, which needs to be removed 1-3 times each week, has clogged my sink. I'll be getting together a baking soda & vinegar concoction mixed with boiling water to try and fix it.
Saturday, August 6, 2016
Hi, please hand me the scissors. I want to do a slam-dunk with them. Later we can go down to the arena and really test them out. Will you be my hoops scissor valentine? I’d love to take you to East Texas sometime. I like googling it because it makes me feel alive knowing that they're all these different places in the world. If you would have me in East Texas as a friend, it would be the best. What else can we slam-dunk? Mashed potatoes?
Collage material
These trade mags we randomly get make for great collage fodder. Gonna post a Vine of the innards. Look out for that content.