   K E Y:  ✄= art ✎= lit ♪= music ✪= video;  = highly recommended content

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Time to Die

This is the story beyond the posts, beyond the content. It's nearing Midnight on a Tuesday. What an evening.

At press time, this egg account had tweeted 175,949 times since July 25th, 2014. All of the tweets are links to various content, mostly major media articles and blog posts.

For various reasons, I can't really talk about how this makes me feel. This user––let's call him/her, "Jwngx"––is using a share aggregator called dlvr.it, which I am not familiar with. What is the endgame? What are any of our endgames?

I ate four Reese's peanut butter cups tonight. I've eaten probably a dozen or so in the last 36 hours and now I'm worried we won't have enough Halloween candy, so I have to stop at the store tomorrow to buy more. This is so horrible and depressing. But I've finally realized that it's time to die. Silver linings and such.

A photo posted by Paz Wirth (@pazwirth) on

What I mean by dying is not death. It's a symbolic death, sure, and there will be a great deal of physical change by way of my outward appearance, yes. But no one is perishing here. Nothing is expiring. Nothing expires.

The lesson is a simple one:


An action and a passive direction, working in tandem as the only mantra you'll ever need. It's easy to mistake the latter advice as an active voice. In fact, it's this very mistake which throws people off the scent of enlightenment. You don't need to do anything to "GETSKINNY" because it's not about losing weight. It's about avoiding ALL negative behavior. It's about replacing negative urges with initial action: "MAKEART."

the moon chased the sun out of the sky
goodbye sun! the night's begun
the moon chased the sun out of the sky
goodbye sunshine! the night is mine

☜ Now I would like to take this post to the next level ☞

I have furthered my exploration into personal enhancement by transforming the ancient technique of Lean Mgmt, specifically the elimination of Muda (Japanese term, mearning "futility; uselessness; idleness; superfluity; waste; wastage; wastefulness"). Along with the power of the four elements (I'm talking about EARTH, AIR, FIRE, and WATER, folks––all free, last time I checked) and the financial backing of Nike™ (thank$), I've developed a system to put my mantra into overdrive for maximum success rates: JUST DO IT.

Whenever you think, "Hey, maybe I shouldn't do it?" Nope. JUST DO IT. #Words2LiveBy. Here's the original dumb house diagram (left). Look at how more awesome my animated gif is. Why would you want a non-animated gif when you could easily have an animated one sponsored by Nike™? Again: JUST DO IT (that's why). And all of those extra words... who needs 'em? JUST DO IT: MAKEART//GETSKINNY

Did you know this song was the lead singer of Silverchair's struggle with anorexia nervosa? People forget that. Especially if they get caught up with how the shift into the chorus from the verses is kinda awkward.